Job: Local Trainer (Code of Criminal procedure fair trial guarantees)

Organization Name
OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
Closing Date of application
No. of Posts
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine is seeking qualified and motivated persons to fill positions of Local Trainer to deliver three one day regional methodological seminars for the judiciary and legal professionals in proper implementation of the Code of Criminal procedure fair trial guarantees (in the framework of the project 'Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine').
In 2013 the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine ('OSCE PCU') implements jointly with the Supreme Court of Ukraine the project 'Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine' (hereinafter referred as the Project), aimed at foster proper implementation of fair trial guarantees in criminal justice.
The Project activities include a component 'Support to the judiciary, legal professionals and law enforcers in proper implementation of the new CCP fair trial guarantees' dedicated to support proper implementation of the fair trial guarantees in criminal procedures in accordance with international human rights standards.
In 2013 the project activities under the referred component will target both the judiciary and the legal professionals and will be dedicated to methodological and practical aspects of enforcement of fair trial guarantees enshrined in the recently adopted Code of Criminal Procedure (the 'CCP'), international human rights case law, specifically the ECHR jurisprudence. This includes organization of 3 regional training seminars for the judiciary, legal professionals, and law enforcement officers, to be jointly organised with the Supreme Court and the National School of Judges. The focus of these seminars will be the approaches, methodologies and procedures of implementing fair trial guarantees and practical aspects of the CCP enforcement.
Tasks and Responsibilities
  • to develop training agenda, materials and handouts in close co-operation with staff and experts of the Supreme Court and the National School of Judges on methodological and practical aspects of enforcement CCP fair trial guarantees;
  • to contribute to the preparation of the training seminars for judges and legal professionals;
  • to contribute to conducting 3 training seminars for judges and legal professionals to be organized in Simferopol (5 November 2013), Lviv (12 November 2013) and Kyiv (26 November 2013) in cooperation with the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the National School of Judges of Ukraine on methodological and practical aspects of enforcement of fair trial guarantees of the new CCP;
  • to provide by the beginning of November 2013 the OSCE PCU with the electronic version of the abovementioned documents;
  • to perform any other tasks within the local trainer's competence as described above;
  • to cooperate effectively and prudently with other local trainers to be selected for the same purpose.
Necessary Qualifications
  • Diploma in law; PhD in law is a plus;
  • Experience as a judge of a higher court (e.g. the Supreme Court of Ukraine);
  • At least 10 years of academic/judicial experience in criminal law;
  • At least ten years of relevant professional experience as a judge;
  • Experience of participating in the programmes of professional education for judges or legal practitioners;
  • Experience in developing methodologies, handbooks, practical manuals etc. in the sphere of criminal law and justice;
  • Good knowledge of current legal frameworks and foreign experience in the referred above spheres;
  • Computer literate.
Remuneration Package
According to OSCE PCU Consultancy Rates.
How To Apply
This consultancy is for residents of Ukraine only. We strongly encourage applicants to use the online application system provided. The Vacancy Number is VNUKRC00157. However, if you have difficulties with the system you may use the OSCE's Application Form available at should complete the form and send it via email to indicating the title of the position in the subject. In case you do not have access to e-mail, hard copies may be sent by fax: + 380 44 492 03 83 to the attention of Ms. Lyubov Kravchenko or mailed to the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, Striletska 16, 01030 Kyiv as soon as possible, but not later than October 13, 2013. Applications received after the published deadline will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
The OSCE is committed to achieving a better balance of women and men within the Organization. Both male and female candidates are encouraged to apply.


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