Job: Lead Securities Market Specialist

Location: Washington, DC
Deadline: Wednesday, 14 August 2013 


Background / General description:
The Capital Market Development and Corporate Governance Service Line (FCMCG) is a joint World Bank/IFC unit, part of the Financial and Private Sector Development's (FPD) Capital Markets Practice. It is a global leader in developing capital markets and improving corporate governance in emerging market countries, providing technical assistance, thought leadership, and support to the World Bank Group's programs and related IFC investment operations.
The demand for domestic securities markets for equity and debt is growing in emerging market countries to finance key development areas such as infrastructure, housing, and corporate expansion; build yield curves and improve fiscal and monetary management; and provide investment outlets for growing institutional investors like pension funds and insurance companies. Improving access to securities markets for smaller marketplaces and for smaller borrowers is a critical need but difficult challenge facing many emerging market countries today. Solid corporate governance, for capital market operations, financial institutions and state owned enterprises is a critical underpinning of any securities market.
FCMCG works closely with in-country counterparts from the official and private sector to create enabling environments, build market infrastructure (i.e. trading and settlement systems), and strengthen the capabilities of market participants to improve the ability to issue, invest in, and trade local securities and related corporate governance. The team interacts closely with IFC and World Bank industry, regional and Treasury departments and with government and securities industry leaders around the world. It represents the World Bank Group in international fora such as IOSCO, the OECD, and G20-related efforts concerning securities markets and corporate governance.
The position is based in Washington, DC and involves frequent travel.
If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 2 year term appointment.
Duties and Accountabilities:
FCMCG is looking for a Lead Securities Market Specialist with a strong background in securities markets regulation to be an integral part of FCMCG's global operations, to assist the practice in developing the regulatory elements of domestic securities markets and corporate governance operations and providing thought leadership on regulatory issues. More specifically to:
  • Develop, design and manage projects, and provide high quality advice to emerging market countries on development of securities markets, with a focus on market regulation and supervision across all aspects of the market (structure, primary and secondary markets, securities firms, etc.), and corporate governance
  • Contribute to the unit's broader securities markets and corporate governance activities, including FSAPs.
  • Build and manage relationships with key government and securities industry officials in emerging and developed markets for depth of knowledge and contacts. Represent the WBG on international bodies associated with securities market regulation, such as IOSCO.
  • Provide intellectual leadership to clients in and outside the IFC/World Bank on regulatory trends and related CG issues and appropriate/best practices in global and emerging securities markets. Prepare top quality publications (policy notes, think pieces on key regulatory trends and issues) and materials for broad distribution both inside and outside the World Bank Group.
Selection Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications and competencies:
  • A law degree
  • Accomplished senior securities market professional with extensive experience in and strong knowledge of securities markets regulation and related corporate governance issues. Experience in a regulatory agency is a strong plus.
  • At least 12-15 years of relevant professional experience, in a mix of developed and emerging markets.
  • Strong project and program management skills, with proven ability to design and manage global programs to achieve clear deliverables in multicultural environments.
  • Strong analytical and communication skills, including proven ability to publish thoughtful, in-depth analyses of regulatory trends, issues, and practices.
  • Strong team player as well as clear ability to effectively lead and guide.
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively across institutional boundaries within an organization such as the WBG and with high level officials in government and the private sector. Strong government and industry contacts.
  • Able to manage complex, multi-functional, cross-regional programs including management relationships with stakeholders and counterparties.
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of financial and private sector development issues; lead strategic discussions and dialogues with stakeholders and counterparties
  • Leadership: Inspires and influences others 
    Client orientation: Translates insight into practice across disciplines, hierarchies, geographies and organizational units in service of clients
    Drive for results: Ensures successful implementation and delivery of key programs and projects, ensuring that outputs positively impact results
    Teamwork/collaboration and inclusion: Creates a team climate of practical and innovative action, facilitating collaboration between competing interest and stakeholders.
    Knowledge, learning and communication: Demonstrates command of all forms of communication and presents in a clear, objective, and engaging manner in high-level settings; ensures knowledge is captures and shared in a variety of ways
    Business Judgment and Decision Making: Acts as a trusted advisor to others on their decisions, ensuring alignment across units and optimal impact on the organization as a whole.


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