Business Solutions Officer, Washington, DC

Business Solutions Officer, Washington, DC
Closing Date: Wednesday, 12 February 2014
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Background / General description:
Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) enables the WBG to achieve its mission of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner by delivering transformative information and technologies to its staff working in over 130 client countries.
ITS services range from: establishing the infrastructure to reach and connect staff and development stakeholders; providing the devices and agile technology and information applications to facilitate the science of delivery through decentralized services; creating and maintaining tools to integrate information across the World Bank Group, the clients we serve and the countries where we operate; and delivering the computing power staff need to analyze development challenges and identify solutions.
Within ITS, the Quick Strike team (ITSQS) addresses the need for the WBG and ITS to be more agile, innovative and smart in delivering solutions and services. Responding to client needs quickly and efficiently, the group leverages technology to automate WBG processes and services. The group's services include GIS/Analytic Services, Business Solutions Development, Provisioning, and Innovation.
An exciting opportunity is opening up for an analytically minded, forward thinking GIS professional with a passion for and experience in spatial data analysis and visualization. The assignment of the Business Solution Officer - GIS will be instrumental in helping the ITSQS GIS and Application Development team strategically integrate spatial data into Bank projects, build dynamic online mapping web-sites, and transform complex datasets into pertinent information. Note: A potential candidate has been identified and intends to apply for this position. However, this remains a competitive process and interested candidates are encouraged to apply.
Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 1 year term appointment.
Duties and Accountabilities:
The Business Solution Officer - GIS will have the following duties and responsibilities:
Geographic Information Systems:
  • Data management: Collects and compiles spatial data and prepares it for specific projects as well as public sharing (data cleaning, metadata creation, layer reprojection/transformation, geodatabase management).
  • Data Analysis: Analyzes spatial vector and raster data. Analysis includes (but is not limited to): deriving spatial statistics (Map Algebra, Kriging, Inverse Distance Weighted, Hotspot Analysis, surface creation for 3D modeling, accessibility modeling) and the use of geoprocessing tools (extrapolation, extraction, Model Builder).
  • Utilizes the various ArcGIS extension packages, including Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, and 3D Analyst.
  • Data Visualization: Prepares professional maps for print publication and online applications using advanced cartographic skills in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Data Integration: Provides advice and guidance to Bank staff on the strategic integration of spatial data into their projects.
  • Leads GIS training sessions that provide bank staff with hands-on guidance with ArcGIS 10x.
  • Client interaction: consults in the project planning process with clients, business analysts, and team members. Develops, documents, and communicates requirements for the implementation of projects and drafts proposals outlining client desires. Devises procedures to solve problems that are caused by data limitations, project deadlines, and client's changing needs.
Remote Sensing
  • Imagery Analysis: Utilizes advanced remote sensing software to process and analyze satellite imagery for various land use/ land cover projects, such as change in urban growth using a supervised classification of Landsat and MODIS imagery.
  • Vendor coordination: Assists Bank staff with the acquisition and purchase of optimal imagery to meet their project's needs. Coordinates external vendor relationships for purchasing of satellite imagery.
Web Mapping Coordination:
  • Assists Task Team Leaders in the creation of interactive online mapping applications.
  • Defines client's web mapping needs and incorporates them into design and an overall plan. Consults with clients regarding the optimum solutions to meet their project requirements, and then drafts GIS application proposals.
  • Provides advice on the integration and visualization of new and existing data in the web mapping application. Considers spatial data limitations, project deadlines, and client's desired results.
  • Provides business and technical solutions by developing, maintaining, and enhancing web mapping applications using Geoserver, Scalable Vector Graphics, and ESRI products.
  • Communicates successfully with clients, supervisor, team members and team leads.
Other duties:
  • Business development: develops promotional materials and helps market the GIS team and its work to other units.
Selection Criteria:
1. Bachelors degree with 7 years of minimum relevant experience is the minimum criteria. Master's Degree in Geographic Information Systems or relevant fields and a minimum of 5 years of working experience in the Field of Geographic Information Systems, preferred.
2. Demonstrated experience in GIS Analytics. Specifically:
  • Solid knowledge of and experience using the latest GIS and Remote Sensing software. Knowledge of current and emerging GIS products, services, and processes is required.
  • Hands-on experience developing web mapping applications, as well as general knowledge of ESRI server and open source platforms (GeoServer, Geonode).
  • Extensive, hands-on experience with the latest ESRI products ArcInfo, ArcCatalog, ArcOnline, ArcScene, Spatial Analyst extension, Network Analyst extension.
  • Experience using remote sensing applications like ERDAS Imagine, and a strong background in remote sensing principles.
  • Extensive, hands-on experience managing and processing satellite imagery. Experience conducting image classification (supervised and unsupervised), mosaicing multispectral images, impervious surface detection, band stacking and layer masking.
  • Experience creating rapid disaster impact maps under tight deadlines. This includes processing flood extent layers, food security data, calculating affected populations, plotting storm tracks, visualizing IDP movement, creating rainfall surface estimates with TRMM data, and measuring NDVI values.
  • Experience acquiring and processing high, medium and low resolution imagery. Familiarity with the limitations and advantages of commonly used imagery such as Landsat, MODIS, ASTER, Quickbird, IKONOS and WorldView.
  • Experience processing, mosaicing, and rendering Digital Elevation Models (SRTM, ASTER, and GTOPO)
  • Extensive, hands-on experience creating professional quality maps in Adobe Illustrator (CS5).
  • Extensive, hands-on experience managing (cleaning, rendering, and analyzing) very large datasets. 3. Project Management - Understands and utilizes the basic concepts of project management, as they relate to the implementation of a project
    4. Service Provider Assessment and Evaluation - Evaluates internal provider solutions against proposed external solutions.
    5. Information Systems Knowledge - Identifies means of integrating technical support requirements with enterprise processes and strategies.
    6. Foundation Architecture Knowledge - Provides guidance on the standards and guidelines to members of the development community.
    7. Systems Thinking - Researches the critical and underlying relationships between primary business, technology and systems platforms.
    8. Business Process Knowledge - Maps full business processes and designs operational process flow.
    9. Business Requirements Analysis - Reviews customer business requirements and determines where support is needed relative to existing technical systems design.
    10. Client Orientation - Takes personal responsibility and accountability for timely response to client queries, requests or needs, working to remove obstacles that may impede execution or overall success.
    11. Drive for Results - Takes personal ownership and accountability to meet deadlines and achieve agreed-upon results, and has the personal organization to do so.
    12. Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Collaborates with other team members and contributes productively to the team's work and output, demonstrating respect for different points of view.
    13. Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Actively seeks knowledge needed to complete assignments and shares knowledge with others, communicating and presenting information in a clear and organized manner.
    14. Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Analyzes facts and data to support sound, logical decisions regarding own and others' work.
Click the bar below to visit the original announcement on the recruiting organization's website. 


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