Location :
Application Deadline :
Additional Category
Millennium Development Goals
Type of Contract :
FTA International
Post Level :
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :
One year (renewable)
The country of Myanmar is at an historic stage in its development. A new Constitution was adopted in May 2008 and elections were held in November 2010 with bi-elections in April 2012. Parliament and governments have been formed at the national and region/state levels. A number of reforms have already been undertaken focusing on good governance, human rights and reaching cease-fire agreements in a number of conflict areas. These reforms are seen as positive steps, which have led to increasing engagement with the international community and allowed the Executive Board of UNDP to lift mandate restrictions and to propose a fully-fledged UNDP country program (approved by the Executive Board at its 1st regular session in January 2013 and by the Government of Myanmar in April, 2013).
Against this rapidly changing background, UNDP Myanmar, which in country also represents UNCDF, is undergoing strategic repositioning and ramping up its capacities in order to effectively support national priorities of democratic transformation and poverty reduction. After more than 20 years of working exclusively at the grassroots level through the Human Development Initiative, the country program for Myanmar (2013-2015) envisages contributions towards strengthening democratic governance, provision of policy advice for poverty reduction, strengthening resilience against climate change and disaster risk reduction, and targeted support for strengthening institutions of local governance.
UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 48 least developed countries. It creates new opportunities for poor people and their communities by increasing access to microfinance and investment capital.  It provides seed capital – grants and loans – and technical support to help microfinance institutions reach more poor households and small businesses, and local governments finance the capital investments – water systems, feeder roads, schools, irrigation schemes – that will improve poor peoples’ lives.
UNCDF works to enlarge peoples’ choices: it believes that poor people and communities should take decisions about their own development. Its programs help to empower women – over 50% of the clients of UNCDF-supported microfinance institutions are women – and its expertise in microfinance and local development is shaping new responses to food insecurity, climate change and other challenges. All UNCDF support is provided via national systems, in accordance with the Paris principles. UNCDF works in challenging environments – remote rural areas, countries emerging from conflict – and paves the way for others to follow. Its programs are designed to catalyze larger investment flows from the private sector, development partners and national governments, for significant impact on the Millennium Development Goals, especially Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women, and Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability.
Established by the General Assembly in 1966 and with headquarters in New York, UNCDF is an autonomous UN organization affiliated with UNDP.
Under the new UNDP country Programme called “Transitioning from Human Development Initiative to strengthened local governance institutions for sustainable community development”, the joint UNDP & UNCDF Local Governance Program (Pillar 1 of the country program) aims to strengthen democratic institutions. UNDP and UNCDF will provide an integrated package of development assistance for improvements of local governance in rural areas of Myanmar with high poverty incidence and post conflict settings. Assistance will strengthen and nurture institutional capacities of government, civil society and media to work in synergy to support human development and national integration.
The five main outputs of Pillar 1 – strengthening responsive Local Governance - are:
  • Strengthened institutional capacity of local governments;
  • Strengthened institutional capacity of civil society organizations to provide community services;
  • Strengthened institutional capacity of local media institutions in support of local development and civic awareness;
  • Strengthened capacity of institutions to support sustainable livelihoods; and
  • Support to social cohesion and livelihoods in districts with high poverty incidence and ceasefire areas.
Under the overall framework of this program UNDP will partner with UNCDF under two specific outputs. Under output 1: Strengthened institutional capacity of local governments, UNCDF will work closely with UNDP for strengthened institutional capacity of State/Division, District and Township administrations for area-related development planning, responsive and effective public service delivery, organizational management, and conflict prevention. Under output 4 MAP and MicroLead, two global programs, will be implemented as part of the joint UNDP/UNCDF Local Governance Programme.
The UNDP & UNCDF program specialist will lead the implementation of output 1 Strengthened institutional capacity of Union/State/Division, District and Township administrations for area-related development planning, responsive and effective public service delivery, organizational management, and conflict prevention.
UNCDF’s contribution to the joint program will focus primarily at the Township level and consists in enhancing the coherence and efficiency of the townships’ plans and budgets and their capacity to increase the quality and coverage of public services with effectiveness, efficiency and transparency and to mobilize resources for this purpose. These elements are consistent with the UNCDF Local Development Funding (LDF) facility made available to townships on a grant basis. Institutional capacity building focuses on the planning and budgeting cycle for the application of the Township Development Fund, the accountable financial and fiscal management, procurement of services and investment and the delivery and maintenance of the public infrastructure and services.
At State / Region level the UNDP & UNCDF interventions seek to contribute to the emergence of a legal-institutional environment more conducive for local governance, e.g. through providing support to the government of Myanmar for the formulation of a de-concentration strategy and the translation into legislation and regulatory frameworks which aims at the (re-)introduction of a municipal model for local public administration, management and delivery of public services.
Accountable to the assigned UNCDF Technical Adviser in Bangkok and under the day to day supervision of the UNDP Team Leader for the Local Governance Program in Myanmar the Program specialist will be responsible for implementing output 1 as described above and serve as UNCDF’s representative in Myanmar.
The program specialist will work as part of the team of pillar 1, and will work closely and be supported by national and international program specialists.
This is a Development Project funded position; jointly funded by UNDP and UNCDF on Local Governance (Pillar1).
Duties and Responsibilities
Functions/Key Results Expected:
The key result expected from the Program specialist is the successful implementation and accomplishment of the targets of the joint program under output 1, including specifically the Township Development Fund (TDF). In this context the successful candidate will – amongst others - perform the following tasks / activities:
  • Design and implementation;
  • Knowledge Management:
  • Results monitoring and reporting;
  • Partnership Management: Advocacy, Partnership Development and Resource Mobilization.
Design and implementation:
  • Take the lead in the technical design and implementation of the joint program activities of UNDP and UNCDF under the Pillar 1 program framework and ensures close collaboration and creation of synergies between program components;
  • Lead the technical design and full operations of the TDF with government partners of the Union/State and Township level and provide strategic advise to the government counterparts to gradually fully take over the management of the TDF; 
  • Ensure design and execution of technically robust project activities to assist Townships with identifying, developing and financing and reporting on infrastructure projects under the TDF;
  • Coordinate the program assistance between UNCDF and UNDP vis-à-vis local authorities, implementing partners and development partners as well as the other outputs under Pillar 1, and the other 2 pillars of the UNDP program, in particular pillar 3 for Democratic governance;
  • Identify opportunities, support and manage and oversee the work of consultants and other experts for delivering results of output 1;
  • Provide technical assistance in the design and implementation of state level and township level planning, the Township Development Fund as well as strategic and sustainable capacity development of local governments in the selected states/townships;
  • Support enhanced capacities of state/region/district/local administrations and elected officials to plan, budget, monitor and develop regulatory frameworks, including local development and investment plans;
  • Oversee and support capacities of public service providers, including through coordination of service delivery by local government departments, targeting suitable public-private partnerships and community feedback on service delivery;
  • Provide strategic advice to UNCDF (the regional office and the Local Development Finance Practice area HQ) , and UNDP (Pillar 1 Team Leader, UNDP Resident Representative and UNDP Country Director as appropriate);
  • Facilitate political analysis, capacity assessments and program design in local development and local governance through the UNCDF local development funding facility. Provides strategic advice on program design and implementation to the program management and, when required, to other UN agencies. Build strategic partnership, in particular with UNDP and resource mobilization efforts in this area;
  • Coordinate with similar activities carried by development actors and support the government’s development coordination mechanisms in the area of local development.
Knowledge Management:
  • Introduce innovation and best practices to enhance program performance under the Pillar 1 of the country program. Collaborate with UNCDF Knowledge Academy, UNDP Bureau of Development Policy and with UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre and other internal and external development partners to identify and share best program practices;
  • Continuously improve UNCDF’s and UNDP’s capacity development approach in the context of local development in Myanmar, assesses lessons learned and contribute to knowledge management through the UNCDF Knowledge Academy and UNDP capacity development groups;
  • Ensure regular updates and contributions on TDF issues through the Teamworks and UNCDF website;
  • Contribute to the process of knowledge creation and dissemination related to national and international know-how in the subject area. In this context, partners with practitioners and members of the UNCDF LDF practice community and UNDP global and regional networks;
  • Contribute to the analytical work of UNCDF and ensures high quality knowledge products. Promote the substantive quality of all knowledge products, reports and services, and ensures effective integration thereof with other pillars;
  • Identify, synthesize and publish best practices and lessons directly linked to country program goals in the subject area. Contribute to preparation and provides contributions to UNDP Myanmar policy briefs;
  • Organize formal and informal internal and external networks or communities of practice involving prominent experts in government, academia, think tanks, private companies, NGOs, development partners and the UN system.
Results monitoring and reporting:
  • Continuously monitor and report on project implementation and results achieved and report formally and informally to the UNDP team leader pillar 1;
  • Coordinate preparation of quarterly based reports with relevant UNDP country office input to be submitted to UNCDF Regional Office for Asia and HQ on milestones and results achieved, highlighting any areas of concern and proposing concrete follow-up actions;
  • Monitor, coordinate and report on relevant activities under overall guidance of the Pillar 1 Program Team Leader.
  • Liaises with and refers to Government of Myanmar led steering committees at local and national level as guided by the Pillar 1 Program Team Leader.
Partnership Management: Advocacy, Partnership Development and Resource Mobilization:
  • Represent UNDP & UNCDF and the joint program in national and sub-national multi-stakeholder forums and other key meetings and events, as designated/appropriate to speak on program issues in the area of local development, participate in policy dialogue, discuss policy initiatives, report on progress achieved and/or present policy papers/ideas to influence setting of agenda in the area of local development and local governance and promote UNCDF competencies and mandate;
  • Maintain active relationships and partnerships with the Government, NGOs, UN system and agency partners, intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations, academia, media, and the private sector on national priorities in the area of local governance to enhance collaboration, resource mobilization and share ideas and to influence agenda and priority setting;
  • Advocate for UNCDF and UNDP with government counterparts at all levels, with non-state actors and development partners; develops critical relationships, networks and builds and effective partnerships with government and with development partners in the subject area;
  • Provide substantive contributions from UNCDF in the UNCT Strategic Framework, promotes thematic and sectorial synergies and joint programming, and represents UNDP & UNCDF in relevant inter-agency task forces.
  • Develop well-designed and support the implementation of the TDF and communication plan and advice on outreach activities with a variety of stakeholders;
  • Develop and provide the Government of Myanmar with evidence-based policy recommendations on local development and public financial management regulatory frameworks;
  • Develop strategies to secure new partnerships and mobilize additional resources based on program resource requirements and new opportunities;
  • Manage the inputs of national and international consultants by planning of missions and development of corresponding TORs for provision of core inputs in technical areas.
Impact of Results
Results of the work will have a significant impact on
  • Improving knowledge, skills and learning in local development in target countries and internationally;
  • Ensuring programme outputs are directed at achieving the intended results of the programme.
Functional Competencies
Development and Operational Effectiveness:
  • Ability to lead strategic planning and facilitate crucial decision making at the highest levels of government;
  • Ability to lead the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategic policies and sound development program;
  • Ability to generate creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations;
  • Strong technical and practical leadership and knowledge in issues related to aid management, coordination and effectiveness;
  • Familiarity with UN system and role of key stakeholders in the area of national development plans, local-level planning, aid management, coordination and effectiveness
Knowledge Management and Learning:
  • Ability to promotes knowledge management and a learning environment through leadership and personal example (with track record);
  • Experience in capacity development and facilitating positive transformational change;
  • Experience in providing technical assistance and substantive inputs in the area of local development, public financial management and local governance through the UNCDF local development facility
  • Ability to promote UNCDF & UNDP as a learning/knowledge sharing organization
Management and Leadership:
  • Ability to build strong relationships with clients, to focus on impact and to responds positively to constructive feedback;
  • Personal attributes to consistently approaching work with energy and a positive constructive attitude;
  • Good oral and written communication skills;
  • Excellent presentation skills;
  • Excellent computer skills, and applications for report and project planning;
  • Excellent organizational skills and proven ability to deliver projects within assigned deadlines;
  • Openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and objectivity;
Required Skills and Experience
  • Master’s degree or higher in social sciences, public administration, development studies, management or other relevant fields.
  • A minimum of 7 years progressively responsible and relevant professional working experience in the area of development;
  • Proven track record in providing technical assistance and capacity building of local governments and/or in regional/local development;
  • Proven management experience, preferably within UNCDF or another UN agency, with sound knowledge and experience in all aspects of project cycle (design, implementation, monitoring & evaluation);
  • Prior experience of development work in Myanmar, South-East Asia and/or countries in transition would be an asset;
  • Prior experience of joint UN programs;
  • Strong interpersonal and written and oral communication skills; ability to work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
Language Requirements:
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English.
Qualified female candidates are highly encouraged to apply
Applicants are strongly encouraged to upload (as a *pdf attachment) the completed and signed UNDP Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from Completion of all the fields is required.
Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders).
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


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