Organization Name: Economic and Environmental Activities - YER
Location: Yerevan,AM
Closing Date of application: 26-09-2013
No. of Posts: 1
The OSCE Office in Yerevan Project Implementation Presence (PIP) in Syunik provides on-going capacity building support to the regional administration (marzpetaran) of the Syunik region (marz) to help improve economic planning skills within this regional agency. The goal of this assistance is to help the Marzpetaran ensure sustainable economic development in the marz by decreasing the economic security risks through better planning for economic diversification. According to rough estimates, about 85% of industrial output and 65% of total production and services in Syunik marz is contributed by mining industry with the exploration of mineral deposits being in process for the opening of new mines. This prospective for economic development creates dependence on a single industry sector, and increases risks for social problems and migration if mining industry decreases its operations due of external market factors or exhausting of mineral resources in the future.
Currently, Marzpetaran needs assistance for preparing of a cost-benefit analysis/econometric model for better planning of government spending in the region for the diversification of the regional economy. The analysis or the model will help to estimate the impact of government spending in the marz on jobs, income, and social environment, and make the planning process more precise to maximize the development impact of government expenditure in non-mining sectors. This will decrease the dependence on mining industry by maximizing the outputs in non-mining sectors. The proposed approach of evidence-based planning is widely applied in many countries to justify government investments in infrastructure, education and to justify policy making decisions.
The Expert will consult the regional administration of the Syunik marz on selection of a planning model to be applied for the marz, improvement of data collection, improvement of planning skills, and development of terms of reference for the creation of actual planning model.
The PIP therefore requires the services of an experienced international consultant/analyst to assist the regional administration of the Syunik marz in development of terms of reference for the creation of cost-benefit analysis/econometric model.
In this regard the OSCE Office in Yerevan invites applications from highly qualified, energetic and experienced International professionals to perform services of an experienced Cost-Benefit Analysis / Econometric Consultant. The post duration is limited to 11 days of total full time service.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The OSCE Yerevan Office would like to engage the services of a renowned expert to provide consulting assistance to the regional administration of the Syunik marz and prepare an independent report with recommendations. More specifically, the expert will be expected to:
- Travel to the country;
- Meet the key stakeholders including the Marzpetaran of the Syunik Region, National Statistical Service, National Committee of Science, selected consulting firms;
- Review and assess the available statistical data for the marz;
- Assess economic planning skills within the regional administration of the Syunik marz;
- Help the regional administration of the Syunik marz to finalize requirements (terms of reference) for future econometric planning model based on available data and skills;
- Prepare a detailed report with recommendations on:
- Improvement of the economic planning skills within the regional administration;
- Improvement of data collection for economic analysis;
- Selection of proper cost-benefit analysis/econometric model for the marz;
- Terms of reference for the creation of the actual plan.
The anticipated duration of the contract shall be 11 full contractual working days with suggested structure of 2 days for preparation, and 9 days for developing of the Terms of Reference for future preparation of the econometric model by an external contractor. The project outcome/report will consist of:
- Recommendations for the selection of a planning model for the Syunik marz based on available data, and available resources;
- Terms of Reference for an external consulting firm for the creation of the cost-benefit analysis/econometric model for regional economic development planning;
Final report shall be submitted to OSCE Office in Yerevan by November 8, 2013.
Necessary Qualifications
- University degree in Economics: min MSc, preferred PhD;
- More than 12 years of specialized experience in economic development;
- Proficient in primary and secondary research, qualitative and quantitative analysis and consultancy;
- Proven experience in Economic analysis, strategy, and impact assessment;
- Experience in application of econometric tools to support appraisals, impact assessments, evaluations and strategy development;
- Proficiency in providing consultancy for local economic development including assistance for development of econometric tools for regional economic development;
- Excellent knowledge of English including excellent communication and drafting skills knowledge of another OSCE language would be an asset.
Remuneration Package
As full remuneration for services performed by the Consultant under the terms of this Agreement, the OSCE shall pay the Consultant EUR 4,620 (EUR 420 per day - D1 level equivalent with 12-15 years of relevant experience) for 11 full working days of service.
The payments prescribed shall be made as follows: by the end of assignment upon receipt of invoice and certification of the Programme Manager that the services have been successfully performed.
How To Apply
For more details please visit the OSCE website employment section at All qualified applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online, using the OSCE online application link.
In case of technical difficulties with the online application, applicants may use the OSCE offline application form, which can be downloaded at link, and send it along with Cover Letter by e-mail to with vacancy number quoted in the subject.
The applications must reach the OSCE Office in Yerevan not later than 18:00 on September 26, 2013
Please note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or in other languages than the English language
will not be considered
The OSCE, as an equal opportunity organization, encourages female candidates to apply. The OSCE Office in Yerevan will use a transparent and competitive screening process. It will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest.
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