Interpreter/Translator (French)

Location: Noumea
Deadline: Monday, 19 August 2013 



Interpreter/Translator (French)

SPC invites applications for the position of Interpreter/Translator (French) in its Translation and Interpretation Section located at its headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia.

SPC is the Pacific Island region’s principal technical and scientific organisation. It delivers technical, scientific, research, policy and training support to Pacific Island countries and territories in fisheries, agriculture, forestry, water resources, geoscience, transport, energy, disaster risk management, public health, statistics, education, human rights, gender, youth and culture. For more information, visit

In applying, candidates should be guided by SPC’s vision, mission and corporate values, the role and profile of the position and the key result areas and selection criteria.

SPC’s vision for the region is a secure and prosperous Pacific Community, whose people are educated and healthy and manage their resources in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable way.

Our mission is to help Pacific Island people position themselves to respond effectively to the challenges they face and make informed decisions about their future and the future they leave for the generations that follow.

Our corporate values are underpinned by the principle of ‘making a positive difference in the lives of Pacific Island people – putting people first’. They include accountability, integrity, respect, transparency, sustainability, people-centredness, gender equality and cultural sensitivity.

The Translation and Interpretation Section is managed from SPC headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia and employs eleven staff, nine based in Noumea and two in Suva, Fiji. The Section is part of the Operations and Management Division and provides language services to assist SPC to fulfill its mandate as a bilingual organisation. Its main functions are to provide interpretation and translation services for regional conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops and to translate SPC publications and documents. It also manages a terminology database and provides assistance and advice on all linguistic aspects of SPC activities. It collaborates with agencies such as the United Nations and the European Union on terminology and is a member of JIAMCATT (International Annual Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology).

The role – The Interpreter/Translator (French) is accountable to the Manager, Translation and Interpretation Section. The role is responsible for providing interpretation and translation services in English and French to enable SPC to operate as a bilingual organisation. The appointment is for three years, renewable subject to performance and funding availability.

The profile – SPC seeks an experienced interpreter/translator with demonstrated ability to cope with successive, varied interpretation assignments and to accurately and rapidly translate highly technical material. Attributes will include an excellent command of French and a thorough knowledge of English, a keen sense of context and semantics and a thorough understanding of syntax and style. He/She will have very good interpersonal and communication skills, as well as the ability to cooperate with all SPC programmes and a diverse range of stakeholders.

Key result areas – The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate strong ability, and/or potential to progress, in the following three key result areas:

1.      Interpretation services – Work in a team to provide a simultaneous interpretation service between English and French at SPC conferences, meetings and other technical, scientific and diplomatic events. Provide consecutive and/or whispered interpretation individually or as part of a team for SPC staff and/or visiting delegations.  Act as interpretation coordinator (team leader) for SPC meetings at headquarters and other locations. Assemble meeting papers and reference material, prepare interpreter rosters and maintain a good working relationship with the client (i.e. conference organiser).

2.      Translation services – Perform self-revised translation duties in a wide range of scientific and technical areas. Revise colleagues` work as required.

3.      Terminology and linguistic advice – Contribute to the process of ensuring accurate and consistent terminology. Respond to requests for terminological information.

Key selection criteria – candidates will be assessed against the following key selection criteria.

  1. Innovation and analytical skills – Able to generate new approaches and develop and support original solutions, based on sound analysis.
  2. Results-oriented problem solver – Able to develop solutions to deliver tangible results for SPC, its members and other stakeholders.
  3. Relationship building skills – Able to work effectively with others to achieve common goals; good communicator, with advocacy and interpersonal skills; contribute to building productive team relationships and partnerships across the organisation and with its stakeholders.
  4. Qualifications – Qualification from a recognised school of interpreting or a relevant degree, as well as appropriate work experience.
  5. Technical expertise – Proven professional interpreting and translation experience for international organisations, governments, NGOs or the private sector as a staff or freelance interpreter. Demonstrated ability to interpret and translate highly technical material accurately. Excellent vocabulary coupled with a keen sense of context and semantics and a thorough understanding of syntax and style. Willingness and ability to travel frequently. Ability to use terminology databases and specialist software required.
  6. Language skills – Excellent (mother-tongue level) French and thorough knowledge of English.
  7. Cultural awareness – Cultural sensitivity and demonstrated understanding of developing countries, in particular Pacific Island countries and territories will be an advantage.
Remuneration – The Interpreter/Translator (French) is a Band 12 position in SPC’s 2013 salary scale, with a salary range of 4,185-6,087 SDR (special drawing rights) per month, which currently converts to approximately XPF 596,775–867,886 (USD 6,400–9,400; € 5,000–7,200). An offer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration being given to experience and qualifications. Progress in the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. SPC salaries are not subject to income tax in New Caledonia at the present time.

Benefits – SPC provides subsidised housing in Noumea. An establishment and relocation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave, medical insurance and education allowance are available for eligible employees and their recognised dependants. Employees are entitled to: 25 days annual leave and 30 days sick leave per annum, life insurance, and access to SPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Work environment – SPC has a standardised computing environment based on Microsoft Office. Smoking is not permitted in the work place.

Equal opportunity – SPC recruits on merit, but if two interviewed candidates are ranked equal by the selection committee, preference will be given to Pacific Islanders.

Application procedure – The closing date for applications is 19 August 2013. Candidates MUST provide: a detailed curriculum vitae; a written response stating their claims against the key selection criteria; and contact details, including email addresses and telephone numbers, for three referees.

Apply online – Please use SPC’s online recruitment system at Important note: prepare and save your curriculum vitae, response to key selection criteria and referee information as Microsoft Word documents BEFORE attempting to submit your application online. It is not possible to partially complete your application via the online system, save it and return to complete it later. Can’t access the online recruitment system? Apply via email:; fax: + 687 26 38 18; or post to Sally Clark Herrmann, HR Adviser (Recruitment and Training), Secretariat of the Pacific Community, P.O. Box D5, 98848 NOUMEA CEDEX, New Caledonia. Need assistance? Contact SPC or telephone + 687 26 20 00.

Background – SPC was established in 1947 and employs over 570 staff. Its headquarters are in Noumea, New Caledonia, with other offices in Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands. SPC has 26 member countries and territories including its founding members, Australia, France, New Zealand and the United States of America, which contribute a large proportion of its funding. Other major development partners are the European Union; Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; United Nations agencies; Asian Development Bank; World Bank and Global Environment Facility, to name a few.

Languages: SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Organisational structure: SPC is led by the Director-General supported by the senior management team, which includes three Deputy Directors-General and the Director of the Strategic Engagement, Policy and Planning Facility. Also contributing to SPC’s executive management are the directors of the seven technical divisions (Applied Geoscience and Technology; Economic Development; Education, Training and Human Development; Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems; Land Resources; Public Health; and Statistics for Development); the directors of Finance, Human Resources and the North Pacific Regional Office and the coordinator of the Honiara country office.


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