Job: National Implementation and Country Projects Consultant

Location: Geneva 
Deadline: Friday, 18 October 2013 

1. Purpose (justification for request)
At the meeting of the environment ministers of the G8 countries and the five major newly industrializing countries that took place in Potsdam in March 2007, the German government proposed a study on ''The economic significance of the global loss of biological diversity' as part of the 'Potsdam Initiative' for biodiversity.
The following was agreed to at Potsdam: 'In a global study we will initiate the process of analyzing the global economic benefit of biological diversity, the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the failure to take protective measures versus the costs of effective conservation.' This was subsequently endorsed by G8+5 leaders at the Heiligendamm
Summit on 6-8 June 2007.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is a response to this mandate and is being conducted in phases.Preliminary findings from Phase I were presented, in the form of an interim report, at the High- Level Segment of the Ninth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP-9) in Bonn, Germany, in May 2008.
Phase II deliverables were released from Autumn 2009 onwards. The following, in particular, have been produced (available at
1. TEEB - Ecological and Economic Foundations. A report on the fundamental concepts and methodologies for economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services;
2. TEEB in National and International Policy Making. A report providing analysis and guidance on how to value and internalize biodiversity and ecosystem values in policy
3. TEEB in Local and Regional Policy and Management. A report providing analysis and guidance for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem values at regional and local
levels, illustrated with case study examples; and
4. TEEB in Business and Enterprise. A report providing analysis and guidance on how business and enterprise can identify and manage their biodiversity and ecosystem risks
and opportunities.
The TEEB initiative is now entering into a new phase of implementation (phase III) focused on facilitating TEEB national and sectoral studies; expanding the TEEB network of experts; and expanding TEEB communications and outreach.
Given this, there is a need for a dedicated consultant to assist in National implementation and country projects.
2. Ultimate result of services - Terms of reference
In the context of the project 'TEEB National Implementation: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policymaking', which is being implemented in Liberia, Tanzania, Bhutan, the Philippines and Ecuador, the incumbent will assist with the:
1. updating of the Guidance Manual for TEEB Country Studies, launched in May 20131, based on feedback received to date and comparisons with other relevant material;
2. finalization of agreements with selected partner countries, including with preparation of official correspondence, Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), as well as with the implementation of country specific Frameworks of Project Implementation. Liaise with UNEP Regional Offices and other partners as appropriate;
3. preparations of national workshops, including drafting of background documents and other material, and liaising with relevant organizations;
4. preparations of the first international workshop which is to bring together representatives from all five country projects; representatives from other relevant organizations,
initiatives and projects; and international experts;
5. reviewing of intermediary reports;
6. organization of UNEP technical missions;
7. drafting of progress reports including inputs from sub-contracted partners according to UNEP's standards reporting and evaluation processes and procedures;
8. drafting of updates on the project for the TEEB website, newsletter and other relevant channels;
The incumbent may provide support in the implementation of national and sub-national TEEB project beyond the five country portfolio referred to above by:
9. providing input into the development of TEEB national studies, in close contact with relevant UNEP Offices and other organizations; Conducting desktop research; Reviewing
draft material developed by such initiatives.
10. suggesting means for documenting and promoting TEEB country efforts;
11. compiling material – including studies, reports, grey literature, etc. – relevant to the development of TEEB country studies and exploring mechanisms for sharing this
material internally and externally;
The consultant will work over a 12 month period (01 November 2013 – 31 October 2014).
Applications including a cover letter and P11 form/CV should be submitted by email to


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