Job: Senior Operations Officer

Location: Washington, DC
Deadline: Wednesday, 14 August 2013 


Background / General description:

CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food secure future. The CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), was established in 1971 and its research is dedicated to reducing rural poverty, increasing food security, improving human health and nutrition, and ensuring more sustainable management of natural resources.
CGIAR's research is carried out by 15 Centers in close collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations, including national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector. The Centers have over 8,000 scientists and staff, unparalleled research infrastructure and dynamic networks across the globe.
The CGIAR Fund is a multi-donor trust fund that finances CGIAR research as set out in an agreed results framework. The CGIAR Fund is administered by the World Bank, as Trustee, and governed by the Fund Council, a representative body of Fund donors and other stakeholders. The Fund Council is the decision-making body of the CGIAR Fund. The CGIAR Fund provides reliable and predictable multi-year funding to enable research planning over the long term, resource allocation based on agreed priorities, and the timely and predictable disbursement of funds.
The CGIAR Fund Office is the support unit of the Fund Council, the Funders Forum, and their respective Chairs. The Fund Office has responsibilities in the following four areas:
  • Support to Fund Council. The Fund Office assists the Council and its Chair in the conduct of the Council's business.
  • Support to Funders Forum. The Fund Office assists the Chair of the Funders Forum in organizing the Forum.
  • Liaison with the Fund Trustee, Consortium, ISPC and IEA. The Fund Office assists the Fund Council in maintaining its business relations and dialogue with the Trustee, Consortium (i.e., the Consortium of the 15 research centers), the Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) and the Independent Evaluation Arrangement on day-to-day operational matters.
  • Meeting Support and Communications. The Fund Office provides organization of and communication on the Fund Council meetings, Funders Forum and ad hoc meetings of donors. 
    This new position reports to incumbent Senior Operations Officer (who reports directly the Executive Secretary (ES) of the Fund Council and the Head of the Fund Office).
    Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term appointment.
  Duties and Accountabilities:

Serve as CGIAR Fund Office (FO) resource person for scientific, agricultural and environmental matters:
  • provide advice to Executive Secretary of Fund Council (FC) and other FO colleagues on scientific matters
  • provide views/comments as requested by the Executive Secretary on scientific and agricultural publications/papers;
  • contribute to preparation of presentations on technical issues;
  • assist in organizing CGIAR program-related seminars in the World Bank
  • serve as liaison with external professional organizations
  • serve as FO liaison for the Independent Science & Partnership Council (ISPC) 
    Support key activities of the Fund Office on governance, procedures and communications:
  • provide input into procedural, legal and governance matters
  • facilitate the process for the creation of FC committees and working groups
  • contribute to the drafting of the committees' ToRs, and support their work;
  • contribute to the FO's information/communication and public awareness activities. 
    Provide support to Fund Council meetings
  • ensure substantive meeting documents are prepared, including provisional agenda, annotated agenda and cover sheets to agenda items, posting of FC meeting documents and production of meeting binders;
  • assist in writing the FC meeting summaries;
  • provide input to the meeting briefs for the FC Chair. 
    Help coordinate and facilitate Fund Council business in between meetings
  • task manage communications regarding FC business;
  • provide support for effective (well-informed) decision-making;
  • serve as liaison with ISPC and coordinate ISPC's input into FC deliberations, particularly in connection with the research programs;
  • prepare analytical background materials/notes to facilitate decision making by the FC.
  Selection Criteria:

  • Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Translates technical and cross-country knowledge into practical applications and contributions to country and sector strategies; interacts with clients at the policy level.
  • Policy Dialogue Skills - Anticipates needs and requests in the field and conducts independent policy discussions with representatives of the government and non-government partners.
  • Agriculture Policy, Strategy and Institutions - Solid understanding of agriculture policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations.
  • Agricultural Sciences - Deep experience applying knowledge (soil, water, crops, livestock, inputs, biotech, disease control, etc.) to policy-related decisions and advice.
  • Agricultural Systems - Production to Consumption - Broad understanding of agricultural value chain and depth in one or more subtopics: research, input supply, on-farm production, organizing and coordinating, processing, distribution, etc.
  • Project Management - Demonstrates in depth knowledge and understanding of the project management concepts, as they relate to the implementation of complex, multi-functional projects in varied geographical and economic conditions
  • Client Orientation - Maintains client relationships in the face of conflicting demands or directions and provides evidence-based advice and solutions based on sound diagnosis and knowledge.
  • Drive for Results - Identifies the needed resources to accomplish results involving multiple stakeholders and finds solutions to obstacles affecting key deliverables.
  • Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Shows leadership in ensuring the team stays organized and focused, and actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches.
  • Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Leads in the sharing of best practice, trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and compelling way across audiences of varied levels.
  • Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Gathers inputs, assesses risk, considers impact and articulates benefits of decisions for internal and external stakeholders over the long term. 
    Other Selection Criteria
  • An advanced degree (at least Masters level but PhD preferred) in agriculture/natural resources, social sciences, international development, finance or economics with 8 years relevant experience in pertinent professional experience is required.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of impact assessment, measurement and evaluation methods and tools to facilitate the operationalization of practical evaluation systems.
  • Writing and Communication: Proven writing and editing skills, with a strong command of English and an ability to think and integrate complex information into reports, briefs and talking points. The selected candidate will be called upon to exercise judgment, tact and discretion in communications.
  • Prior international work experience in achieving results on the ground (preferably in more than one world region including both pre-Bank and Bank experience).
  • Experience in design and hands-on delivery of interventions for development outcomes, particularly agriculture, agricultural research for development and/or rural development.
  • Demonstrated political judgment and ability to influence strategic partnerships, align goals, and promote collaborative action.


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