Job: Project Coordinator

Location: Ankara, Turkey
Deadline: Saturday, 10 August 2013 


ONLY nationals of this country are eligible to apply. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
Vacancy Announcement No: VA2013_ISA_EXT_000058 Date of Issuance:
23 July 2013
Post Title and Level: Project Coordinator, NOB
Duty Station: Turkey
Deadline for the receipt of applications: 10 August 2013
Organizational Context
This appointment is limited to the specified project(s) only and does not carry any expectancy of renewal.
ONLY nationals of Turkey or permanent residents of Turkey are eligible to apply. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mandate is to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition, and work towards improving living conditions in the world's poorest countries by drawing on its combined global resources and expertise.
Industrial Energy Efficiency Unit, under Energy and Climate Change Branch is responsible for promoting the efficient use of energy by industrial end-users.
- Strengthen the capacity of public and private-sector support institutions to assist SMEs to continuously improve the efficiency with which they use energy, with the objective of reducing their operational costs as well as their emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Focus especially on the promulgation of energy management standards as the mechanism for ensuring this.
- Develop technical and policy capacities to facilitate the transformation of markets for industrial energy equipment from the buying and selling of components to the purchase and provision of products and services that capture efficiency improvements at the level of industrial systems.
- Support the accelerated introduction of new energy-efficient industrial technologies.
- Strengthen institutional capacities for the formulation and implementation of industrial energy efficiency projects capable of securing carbon crediting under the Clean Development Mechanism, through Joint Implementation, and under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Trading Scheme of the European Union.
- Actively participate in, and collaborate with, global fora focusing on energy efficiency, including the Global Environment Facility, UN-Energy, and the UNFCCC.
Duty station: Ankara
Project background:
Situation Analysis:
Turkey has come a long way in setting up the regulatory framework to promote energy efficiency, including a National Energy Efficiency Strategy, Energy Efficiency Law and secondary legislation. Based on this framework, priorities have been given to improve energy efficiency (EE) in industry. However, all efforts were largely made by the companies and the dissemination of the efforts and outputs of EE needs concerted efforts covering all industries, especially including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that form the bulk of industrial enterprises in Turkey. Various finance, capacity, technology and policy barriers still stand in the way of the widespread adoption of energy-efficient processes and technologies.
Turkey is among the top 20 world economies with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of USD 772 billion (2011). The economy is driven predominantly by domestic consumptions (70% of GDP) and exports (23% of GDP). Services and production are the main economy drivers. In the last 10 years, Turkey’s economy has grown at an average rate of 5.5%, and even in the 2009, when the global economic crisis hit, the economy still grew by 4.8%. This economy growth can be sustained if it is matched by an appropriate sustainable energy supply. Although Turkey is building a number of new power generation facilities, net energy imports have increased in recent years (4.6% of GDP for 2010, 6.2% of GDP for 2011). In recent years, Turkey has given more importance to energy efficiency to provide energy supply security to the fast growing economy, to reduce pollution and energy load on economy. Including the Energy Efficiency Strategy and Energy Efficiency Law, an important distance has been covered on this subject to form the legal and institutional framework and support energy efficiency.
There are issues within the context of the Law and related secondary regulations, such as increasing and supporting energy efficiency, setting up energy efficiency consulting companies (EVD), forming energy management systems, promoting energy efficiency investments (Efficiency Improvement Projects (VAP) and Voluntary Agreements), increasing energy efficiency in transportation and buildings, preventing the sale of inefficient appliances and increasing awareness. Within the scope of the legislation, in the field of energy efficiency training and certification, energy audits, consultancy and project services are being expanded throughout the country by giving authorization to universities with certain qualifications, chambers of electrical and mechanical engineers, and energy efficiency consulting companies (EVDs). Within the scope of applications which were launched in 2009; 2 universities, 2 professional chambers and 34 EVD Companies operates these activities as authorized certificate holder institutions. Energy management programme was started in 1995, energy management is an obligation in industrial plants including power plants and industrial organized zones and also public, commercial and service buildings having over a certain size. TS EN ISO 50001 Standard for Energy Management System is formed and realized appropriate to user manual and conditions standards. There are already over 1.250 industrial plants, 950 buildings, 25 power plants and 30 industrial organized zones in YEGM data bank. Those who will serve as energy manager in enterprises are required, to attend training programs to be delivered and certified by YEGM and institutions authorized by YEGM under the supervision and coordination of YEGM. These training programmes has been launched in 1997 and the training documents produced in that year have still been used in these training programmes. So far, training programmes have been held for more than 5.000 technical people and they have been certified as energy manager in Turkey. In terms of improving capacity of skilled labor force about energy management; improving the training and certification programs, and case studies, to show the benefits of energy management in OIZs to the relevant stakeholders are important for Turkey. Industrial Energy Efficiency (EE) can play major role in improving the energy security of Turkey and ensuring sustainable growth of the economy. The Government spent considerable efforts to introduce relevant support policies and legislation that will catalyze the financing and implementation of EE projects. In this context the government has been implementing some of incentive programs to encourage investment in energy efficiency in the industry, but the implementation is not satisfactory. Therefore, it is more important for Turkey to develop financial mechanisms attracting energy efficiency investments in industrial and commercial sectors while it is also important to make such incentive schemes more effective in the industrial sector, to enlarge the project market and integrate them with other financial mechanisms already existing in Turkey and disseminate them to SMEs. Financing is a critical component of the EE project cycle a number of barriers currently exist on the market that prevent large scale flow of investments from Local Financial Institutions (LFI) to industrial EE projects. The project will strive to remove the identified barriers through a comprehensive and integrated approach that will focus on:
(1) Contributing to the implementation of the EE Law by strengthening the institutional-regulatory framework and promoting a national Energy Management Standard; (2) Enhancing capacity and creating awareness in Turkish industrial companies as well as financial service and energy service providers; (3) Implementation of energy audits in large industry and SMEs; (4) Demonstration of state-of-the-art management practices, EE measures and technologies and appropriate business and financing models.
GEF support of USD 5.9 million is requested to support these activities which will be co-financed by UNDP and UNIDO (USD 60,000 and 50,000 respectively), the Turkish Government partners (YEGM and KOSGEB) and TTGV with a USD 10.4 million contribution. An expected USD 17.0 million investment by industry in audits, energy management and energy efficiency measures and technologies will result in direct emission reduction of around 61 kilotons of CO2 annually and (together with the barrier removal activities of the project) would lead to substantial indirect emission reduction.
Project Strategy:
The main strategy of the Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry in Turkey (Turkey IEE) project is too help remove key finance, capacity, technology and policy barriers that currently stand in the way of the widespread adoption of energy-efficient processes and technologies in industry in Turkey. GEF (Global Environmental Facility) funding support of USD 5.9 million has been provided to undertake capacity building and to develop and implement enhanced financial tools and technical mechanisms program that will help transform the Turkish industrial sector to a more energy efficient new way of operating. There is clearly significant potential to achieve energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector in Turkey.
Project Objective:
The Project Objective is 'ËœTo improve energy efficiency of the Turkish industry by enabling and encouraging companies in the industrial sector for efficient management of energy use by different energy efficiency measures and energy efficient technologies'.
The project will focus on:
- Contributing to the implementation of the EE Law by strengthening the institutional capacities and regulatory framework; promoting and disseminating Energy Management Standard (EnMS) While the recently adopted Energy Efficiency Law (EE Law) provides a good basis for advancing energy efficiency of the Turkish industry, there is a need to build the capacities of the key entities engaged for its implementation to effectively meet the objective of the Law as well as to elaborate further policy instruments to enhance its impact. This component will support the improvement of data gathering on EE in industry and address the lack of 'benchmark' information regarding the energy performance in the various processes of the industrial subsectors in the country, as well as training on energy management. The capacity will be strengthened of authorities and entities involved will be strengthened to facilitate effective implementation of the adopted EE policies and regulations in the country.
- Enhancing capacity and creating awareness in Turkish industrial companies as well as financial service and energy service providers; The target group of this awareness raising and capacity strengthening component will be (a) top management of industrial enterprises, (b) energy management and technical staff in enterprises and (c) energy service providers and consultants.
- Implementation of energy audits in large industry and SMEs; The project will support up to 300 initial 'walk-through' energy audits as one of the primary awareness raising tools at the company level (providing on-site practical training for local trainees). The priority will be given not only to the plants that have highest energy intensity but also that have a relatively broad representation of different industrial sub-sectors. Attention will also be given to SMEs and cooperation will be sought with other activities funded by multilateral and bilateral agencies.
- Demonstration of state-of-the-art management practices, EE measures and technologies and appropriate business and financing models; Well selected, designed and properly monitored demonstration projects are considered as essential tools for providing concrete showcases for the targeted stakeholders on the existing energy saving opportunities including costs and benefits, possible implementation and financing mechanisms and the pros and cons associated with them. In this respect, selection criteria will be developed for which besides benefiting from the available public incentive and concessional lending schemes can benefit from additional support of the GEF funds in their design. In the selection of the projects, specific emphasis will be given for including different sectors, most promising technologies and, as applicable, different implementation and financing mechanisms, including, as applicable, energy performance contracting. The value added of the expected GEF participation lies not only in making the projects more attractive to the first required clients in general, who are taking some additional risk in testing some eventually new technologies or other EE measures in Turkey, but also in facilitating direct access of the project team to the project data and the use of the project for the awareness raising and capacity building activities under components 1 and 2. The project aims at 65 industrial companies (of which 40 SMEs) participating in the demonstration component under the project energy efficiency measures and technologies.
Main Functions
The Project Coordinator (PCORD) will have overall responsibility to the NPD for the project and project management, including primary contact with the stakeholders and the Project Steering Committee (PSC) concerning whether project activities are meeting the agreed objectives. The PCORD is assisted by International Technical Consultant, a Project Administrator (PAD) and a Project Clerk (PC), and all technical staff of project in the daily project management. S/he is the head of the Project Management Team, and also acts as the secretariat of the PSC. The PCORD will be responsible for ensuring that YEGM, NPD and all institutional stakeholders are kept informed of the activities carried out under the project, and of project results. It is of particular importance to keep all relevant stakeholders informed, through the project coordination process in order to ensure optimum cooperation. The PCORD will play a major role in all project related activities. Project activities will be carried out in close cooperation with the Programme Managers of the UNDP Office in Ankara and the Project Manager of UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna, UNIDO Regional Centre in Ankara, and the local counterparts: the YEGM, KOSGEB, TTGV, and TSE, the PCORD will be responsible for the daily management of the project to ensure that the project is effectively and smoothly implemented and that proper and effective communication with all the stakeholders is carried out. S/he will supervise the work of a multi-disciplinary project team and assist them to perform their duties.
The PCORD will also have the overall responsibility to review and analyze the current policy and implementations in relation with energy efficiency in industry. S/he will also establish contacts in cooperation with YEGM with national authorities establishing and implementing EE-related regulations and engage the key local stakeholders into consultations to facilitate adoption and effective implementation of the recommended EE policies and coordinate/provide/organize related training and other capacity building. The PCORD reports to the YEGM and NPD. S/he reports also UNDP Programme Manager at the UNDP Office in Ankara, the UNIDO Project Manager at UNIDO Headquarters and UNIDO Turkey Field Office Country Director when it is necessary on condition being agreeable with NPD.
The PCORD will use the Project Office and facilities provided by the YEGM.
Duties and Responsibilities:
A. Project and Financial Management:
- Fully responsible to manage the project.
- Plan, coordinate, manage and implement all project activities effectively and efficiently according to specifications in the
project document;
- Prepare detailed project work plans with resource requirements,
- Supervise to ensure the identification and the creation of necessary links with stakeholders to implement the project.
- Facilitate the work of project consultants and experts,
- Monitor progress towards overall project results through supporting regular review of activities and results at the country level, and through encouraging regular collection of data as indicated in the monitoring and results framework. Frequent field missions are an essential part of the monitoring process.
- Identify gaps in project outputs and make the necessary adjustments.
- Supervise the production of finance and managerial information such as: Annual Project Implementation Review Report (APR) project and project financial reports, including analysis of expenditure; monitors and updates financial data relating to the project on a timely basis.
- Supervise the use of funds and the implementation arrangements.
- Supervise the performance of the project team members to ensure that all tasks are executed in order to meet the objectives of the project.
- Ensures procurement including supervision of contracts and staffing requirements of the project to meet and comply with UNDP/UNIDO and Turkish Government’s rules and regulations.
- Ensure coordination and coherence with other programs, projects and activities on energy, climate change and environment carried out by other UN Agencies, other international organizations, Private Sector, NGOs, Academia and Government in
Turkey and worldwide.
- Prepare and present project status reports to the Project Steering Committee.
- Assist project procurements: preparing TORs, arranging for advertisement, collection and evaluation of offers, making suggestions for placement of orders,
- Assist in the selection, preparation and implementation of demonstration projects,
- Prepare documents on case studies of the demonstration projects, designing and implementing awareness raising plan,
- To plan the duties and services to be performed by international technical consultant; to co-ordinate all relevant activities,
B. Representation and Outreach
- Coordinate and provide the effectiveness of the communication among project partners, UN Agencies, other international organizations, Private Sector, NGOs, Academia and Government in Turkey and worldwide.
- Supervise the preparation and submission of reports - financial and narrative reports to NPD, donors, partners, Project Steering Committee as well as to UNDP and/or UNIDO.
- Coordinate and ensure quality control of all the reports prepared within the framework of the project and present the reports to the NPD, as necessary PSC, UNDP and/or UNIDO
- Coordinate the information channels and ensure the quality of the information provided YEGM, NPD and project partners on the implementation of projects activities. Provide support to the NPD on potential new partnerships and fundraising activities for the project.
- Provide YEGM, NPD and project partners with periodical information about on the implementation of projects activities.
- Represent the project and project management at national and international events when delegated by the NPD.
C. Policy Support, Knowledge-sharing and Advocacy:
- Manage and supervise the periodic project reviews and visits to support strategic planning, monitoring progress of the activities and results, promote knowledge-sharing and enhance advocacy work.
- Manage and supervise the dissemination of tools, publications and products of the project.
- Supervise the PAD and ensure that the studies and researches are undertaken within the framework of the project.
- Manage and supervise the establishment of a system which not only will provide effective documentation and help to analyses the notable impact achieved by the project. But also will ensure information flow on lessons learned, promising approaches, less promising approaches between project partners. Manage and provide quality assurance on the institutional learning, promoting the systematization of lessons learned, results and knowledge finding as a result of the impact of the project.
- Attend project meetings within YEGM and project partners, and other forums and provide inputs as the responsible person of the coordination, planning and quality of project implementation; and manages; Mobilize the project team as necessary, including drafting project related terms of references, organization of project workshops etc.
- Promote the dissemination of knowledge and lessons learned in the project at national and international events. Impact of Results:
- EE Law and its secondary legislation implemented by strengthening the institutional capacities and regulatory framework and promoting and disseminating of TS EN ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard; Capacity and awareness created and enhanced in Turkish industrial companies as well as financial service including incentive schemes and energy service providers, such as accredited Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies;
- Energy audits in large industry and SMEs implemented to define energy saving potential including technical and economical assessments;
- State-of-the-art management practices, EE measures and technologies and appropriate business and financing models demonstrated;
- Relevant policy or strategic development advice provided to Turkish Government as necessary in the field of energy efficiency policy and market mechanisms.
- Specific quality advice provided to the project partner on issues relating to the energy efficiency in industry, functions and activities.
- Successful dissemination of experience acquired and lessons learnt.
Core Competencies:
Communication and trust, Planning and organizing.
Minimum Requirements
University - Master's degree or equivalent, Relevant engineering discipline and/or social sciences
UNIDO Languages:
English (Fluent).
Other Languages:
Turkish (Fluent).
Computer skills:
Databases (Fully proficient), E-mail (Fully proficient), Internet (Fully proficient), Spreadsheets (Fully proficient), Word processing (Fully proficient).
Field of Expertise:
Minimum of 10 years of professional experience in management, at least 5 years experience working in / or with public organizations, donor and civil society, international organizations.
Experience in national and/or international Energy Efficiency project; design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of project/s.
Experience of GEF, UN organization project / programme management processes and procedures; experience of those of UNDP and UNIDO is an additional asset.
Good understanding and knowledge of the environment and energy policy processes.
Able to draft, edit, and produce written proposals, and result focussed reports
All applications must be submitted online through the Online Recruitment System
Correspondence will be undertaken only with candidates who are being considered at an advanced phase of the selection process.
Selected candidate(s) may be required to disclose to the Director-General the nature and scope of financial and other personal interests and assets in respect of themselves, their spouses and dependants, under the procedures established by the Director General.
Visit the UNIDO web site for details on how to apply:
NOTE: The Director-General retains the discretion to make an appointment to this post at a lower level.
Notice to applicants:
UNIDO does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or
recruitment process. If you have received a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Vacant positions within UNIDO are advertised on the official UNIDO website. Should you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of UNIDO and requesting payment of a fee, please contact:
More Info and Application


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