Job: Project Coordinator - CCB Country Economist Team,

Location: Washington
Deadline: Thursday, 08 August 2013 


Country Economist Team
One of the roles of the IDB is to generate the knowledge required to identify and to address the development challenges of the country members of the Bank. The IDB produces several types of documents for knowledge sharing, most of them focused on providing an appropriate tool for policymakers.
As part of this effort to generate research for policy decision, theCaribbean Country Department(CCB) is embarked in a series of research projects, some of them financed by administrative funds and others by Technical Cooperation operations. One shared characteristics of all the initiatives is that all aim for a wide dissemination of the results. Moreover, CCB has been producing, as part of its day-to-day activities, a substantial amount of research very relevant for the region. Unfortunately, this research is not properly disseminated due to a lack of a clear strategy and the adequate support for its implementation.
In addition to the specific activities related to knowledge management, the above mentioned research projects entail the coordination of several consultants, the elaboration and update of a monitoring tool for the implementation, the organization of local and international events and the interaction with other sectors of the Bank.
Consultancy Objective(s)
The objective of this consultancy is to provide support to the execution of the research projects undertaken by CCB and to support the development and implementation of a dissemination strategy for CCB's knowledge products.
Main Activities
  • Coordinate, harmonize, consolidate and follow up the individual work plans of the Country Economist Team (CET) members.
  • Organize the Team Leaders in the implementation of the TCs including: 
    ü Coordinate the elaboration of the individual work plan for the members of the CET, including helping defining their individual work plan and consolidating them into an overall plan and follow up to ensure compliance.
    ü Consultant coordination:
    o Provide support on the TOR design
    o Provide support for contracting
    o Follow up on deliverables and payments
    üEvent coordination
  • Manage CET on setting up meetings, especially virtual ones and event coordination as necessary.
  • Manage registration and update of CET products in the Operations Update System (OPUS).
  • Coordinate the CET/CCB budget process both formulation and implementation and RBB system, in coordination with the department's Budget Officer.
  • Develop, formulate the CET Communication Strategy including ensuring that knowledge products pass through the Bank's review protocol. There will be consultation with the implementing officer for the department's communication strategy to coordinate efforts and avoid duplication.
  • Support REA on agenda, travel arrangement and expense reports.
Regional Economic Advisor, CCB/CCB will have technical and administrative responsibility for this consultancy.
Characteristics of the Consultancy
  • Consultancy Category & Modality: Individual International Consultant - DTC Modality
  • Contract duration: 19 months
  • Place(s) of work: IDB Headquarters, Washington, DC
  • Academic Degree and Years of professional experience: Minimum of a Master's degree in Economics, Public Administration, Political Science and/or other relevant Social Science. At least five years of experience in project management, execution and monitoring.
  • Language: Proficiency in English
  • Areas of expertise : Work experience in the Caribbean. Knowledge of socio-political and economic contexts is also a key qualifying criteria.
  • Communication: Able to concisely and accurately convey information, both written and verbal, tailored appropriately to audiences and to all levels of seniority. Strong written and verbal presentation skills. Uses good judgment, tact and discretion in his/her communications.
  • Results Orientation: Acts independently and resourcefully in response to work demands. Able to meet organizational goals and client expectations by producing high-quality results, involving creative problem-solving. Demonstrates motivation to produce quality, and acts with a sense of urgency to meet the objectives of the Bank and its member countries.
  • Teamwork: Demonstrated ability to take initiative to assist others and share information, knowledge and best practices. Ability to work effectively in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team environment.
  • Building Bonds: Demonstrated ability to build and maintain relationships and networks within and outside an organization.
  • Adaptability: Demonstrated ability and willingness to quickly adapt to different topics with little prior information and knowledge.
  • Planning, organizing, and Executing: Prioritize and sequence actions for maximum efficiency and timeliness. Develop procedures to meet commitments and deadlines. Lead and coordinate work effectively with other groups and individuals. Ability to manage: time, cost, quality, human resources, and communications.
Payment and Conditions of Employment
By-monthly payments. If the work will be carried out at Bank headquarters in Washington D.C. Remuneration will be determined in accordance with Bank regulations and criteria. The Bank will additionally contribute toward travel and moving expenses, if applicable. If a candidate is not a citizen or resident of the United States, the Bank will apply for a G-IV visa from the consulate of the United States in the candidate's country of origin. If a candidate cannot obtain a visa to work at the IDB the contractual offer will be rescinded.
Individuals with relatives working for the IDB within and including the fourth degree of consanguinity and the second degree of affinity are not eligible. This includes staff members and consultants. Candidates must be citizens of a member country of the Inter-American Development Bank.
Closing date for applications: July 21, 2013


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