Job: Nuclear Safeguards Inspector

Location: Vienna
Deadline: Sunday, 08 September 2013 


Vacancy Notice No. 2013/082
Position and Grade: Nuclear Safeguards Inspector (P-4)
Organizational Unit: Department of Safeguards
Duty Station: Vienna, Austria
Issue Date: 29 July 2013
Application Deadline: 8 September 2013
Type/Duration of Appointment:Fixed term, 3 years (subject to a probationary period of 1 year)
The Department of Safeguards is the organizational hub for the implementation of IAEA safeguards. The IAEA implements nuclear verification activities for some 180 States in accordance with their safeguards agreements. The safeguards activities are undertaken within a dynamic and technically challenging environment, including advanced nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and complemented by the political diversity of the countries.
The Department of Safeguards consists of six Divisions: three Operations Divisions: A, B and C, for the implementation of verification activities around the world; three Technical Divisions: Division of Concepts and Planning, Division of Information Management, and Division of Technical and Scientific Services; as well as two Offices: the Office of Safeguards Analytical Services and the Office of Information and Communication Services.
The primary focus of each Division of Operations is to perform and document safeguards verification activities and to conduct analysis and evaluations aimed at providing assurances that States comply with their nuclear safeguards commitments. The Divisions implement a broad range of measures, including information analysis and in-field verification, to draw soundly-based safeguards conclusions for States.
The incumbent will be assigned to one of the Divisions of Operations and, under the supervision of a Section Head and a Senior Inspector, participates in the implementation of the IAEA's safeguards activities and, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, functions as a safeguards inspector.
The incumbent's position is that of a lead inspector with in-depth expertise in nuclear technology and the nuclear fuel cycle. He/she performs safeguards inspections, evaluating and reporting results; and provides technical input and recommends safeguards procedures and approaches. The incumbent will act as a facility/site officer for significant facilities and as a country officer for States with large-scale or more complex nuclear activities. He/she may also fulfil the role of acting senior inspector when requested. He/she will provide technical and administrative coordination of the IAEA's safeguards verification activities for specified countries in the field and at headquarters, undertaking the necessary evaluations and developing reports for senior managers and key safeguards groups and committees, with a view to suggesting further actions, and will participate as an expert or a project manager in technical working groups.
The incumbent engages with counterparts within the Division and the Department discussing specific issues related to inspection activities and procedures, quality management processes and controls, safeguards equipment, analysis of relevant information and evaluation and reporting of safeguards activities. The Nuclear Safeguards Inspector also represents the IAEA in negotiations, in discussing with authorities from the relevant State(s) and regional authorities specific issues and situations related to the most effective and efficient implementation of verification activities, and the deployment and use of safeguards equipment in the field. The incumbent may also work as a training instructor, supporting the training of safeguards staff and State authorities.
  • Activities: Lead groups of inspectors in the field and carry out verification and analytical work as part of safeguards activities and inspections at various nuclear facilities and sites, and at HQ, in order to verify: the absence of undeclared nuclear material or activities; undeclared production or processing of nuclear material at declared facilities; and non-diversion of nuclear material.
  • In-field activities:
  • Verification of nuclear material accountancy, including examination of records and reports prepared by the facility operator and/or State or regional safeguards authorities.
  • Collection of nuclear material and environmental samples.
  • Routine servicing of containment and surveillance equipment.
  • Calibration and operation of instruments for measuring nuclear material.
  • Verification of the absence of undeclared activities and the scope and purpose of nuclear related activities at places primarily involved in the nuclear fuel cycle of a State.
  • Verification of design information to confirm information provided by States and relevance of safeguards approaches.
HQ activities:
  • Plan and prepare safeguards activities and inspections at various nuclear facilities and sites.
  • Work on the development of safeguards approaches.
  • Review and evaluate remote monitoring and surveillance information for nuclear sites and facilities (including seals, sensors and surveillance data).
  • Review and analyse associated information and report and follow up on results in liaison with relevant Department partners.
  • Complete inspection, design information and complementary access reports and statements related to them with due regard to promptness, accuracy, completeness and quality of presentation.
  • Establish and maintain technical information with regard to specific safeguards.
  • Analyse, review and evaluate data collected from various sources including State declarations and reports, inspection results, facility design information, complementary access, computerized databases and open sources in order to formulate conclusions and produce appropriate reports for use by senior management in reporting to States and to the Board of Governors.
  • As leading inspector, collaboratively evaluate related inspection results and collect information to inform future activities and inspections.
  • Act as a facility/site and country officer, or acting senior inspector as required, providing technical and administrative coordination of the IAEA's safeguards in specified countries at specified nuclear facilities, and providing reports and updates to senior managers and key safeguards groups.
  • Establish relationships across the Department to form highly effective cross-Departmental teams to pull information from across the Department and draw credible safeguards conclusions for States.
Professional expertise:
  • In-depth knowledge of the nuclear fuel cycle;
  • Knowledge and understanding of enrichment and/or reprocessing and/or other relevant technologies, such as Non Destructive Assay (NDA), Destructive Assay (DA), fuel fabrication, nuclear trade, nuclear forensics and associated research and development technologies, an asset;
  • Proven expertise in negotiation during meetings.
Analytical skills:
  • Intellectual alertness and creativity;
  • Demonstrated analytical skills in drawing well-balanced conclusions when dealing with complex issues and in interpreting procedures and guidelines in order to adapt them to cover complex situations;
  • Ability to assimilate and analyse new concepts and grasp the critical aspects;
  • Ability to adapt and cope with unexpected situations and changes; to take initiative and make decisions based on sound judgement;
  • Demonstrated ability to observe and report concisely and accurately (both verbally and in writing).
Interpersonal skills:
  • Proven ability to exercise interpersonal skills in working effectively both as a member of a team and as a leader of a multicultural group of inspectors and analysts;
  • Proven skills and expertise in negotiation and handling unexpected situations.
Leadership skills:
  • Demonstrated mentoring skills an asset.
  • University degree in physics, chemistry or engineering, with specialization in the following fields an asset:
  • nuclear engineering/nuclear technology;
  • applied nuclear physics/applied physics;
  • radiochemistry/chemistry;
  • engineering (chemical, metallurgical, process, electrical, electronic or mechanical);
  • mathematics.
Minimum of seven years of relevant 'hands-on' experience in the nuclear field, preferably in the operation of nuclear facilities or as a safeguards inspector. Experience with national or international safeguards an asset. Demonstrated experience in writing and presenting analytical reports in English. Fluency in written and spoken English. Working knowledge of another official IAEA language (i.e. Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) an asset.
Working conditions require excellent physical abilities as cumbersome equipment may need to be carried, set up and serviced. Excellent health is required as local field conditions may not be ideal.
The inspector may perform his/her work in areas involving exposure to radioactive materials. Therefore, as an Occupationally Exposed Worker, he/she must be medically cleared by VIC Medical Service and is subject to an appropriate radiation and health monitoring programme, in accordance with the IAEA's Radiation Safety Regulations.
The work involves extensive travel and significant time away from the duty station, including travel and work on weekends and IAEA holidays. It is required that the candidate has a valid driving licence.
Prior to selection for interview, candidates will be asked to complete written and aptitude tests. Upon recruitment, candidates will be expected to attend an intensive introductory course on IAEA safeguards and must successfully complete theoretical and practical examinations.
The IAEA offers an attractive remuneration package including a tax-free annual net base salary starting at US $46 730 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance), a variable post adjustmentwhich currently amounts toUS $28 599*, dependency benefits, rental subsidy, education grant,relocation andrepatriation expenses; 6 weeks' annual vacation,home leave,pension plan and health insurance.
How to apply to the IAEA
Complete an Online Application
* Subject to change without notice
Applications from qualified women and candidates from developing countries are encouraged
Applicants should be aware that IAEA staff members are international civil servants and may not accept instructions from any other authority. The IAEA is committed to applying the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mandate. As part of the United Nations common system, the IAEA subscribes to the following core ethical standards (or values): Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for diversity.Staff members may be assigned to any location. The IAEA retains the discretion not to make any appointment to this vacancy, to make an appointment at a lower grade or with a different contract type, or to make an appointment with a modified job description or for shorter duration than indicated above. Testing may be part of the recruitment process.


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