Job: Knowledge Management Systems Coordinator

Location: Washington

The Communications and Knowledge Management Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) promotes knowledge sharing and learning by individuals, organizations, networks and beyond; integrates valuable IFPRI resources and systems to make them easily discoverable and useful; and works to provide IFPRI's staff and external users access to IFPRI's resources, publications, and data.
The Knowledge Management unit within the Division seeks a Knowledge Management Systems Coordinator to use a multitude of approaches, methods, and tools to strengthen knowledge sharing and learning at the country, regional, and global levels. This position is for a one-year, fixed-term, exempt, renewable appointment, based in Washington, D.C.
Essential Duties:
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
• Perform technical planning, development, and implementation of web-based applications and interfaces, including mobile applications, to provide a seamless access environment for end users.
• Work with repository administrators and researchers at IFPRI to generate specific research topics, and visuals using application interfaces (APIs) and data-mining tools.
• Utilize best practices in information architecture, user-centric design methodology, and usability principles to create an effective user experience.
• Work with key Knowledge Management staff to plan, develop, maintain, and improve the usability and usefulness of bibliographic and data repositories.
• Create and document style guides and templates to maintain standards. Communicate and document design rationale.
• Implement an automated user analytics collection. Analyze analytics and relevant usability testing data to inform design decisions.
• Work with IFPRI researchers in the creation of ORCID and other academic profiles.
• Support the ongoing development of Information/knowledge management software infrastructure, including, but not limited to, institutional repositories (ContentDM, DSpace, and others), content management systems, web applications, and other academic support systems.
• Create Linked Open Data for certain IFPRI data.
• Collaborate with other technology partners and collaborating institutions.
• Serve as knowledge management liaison to research divisions.
• Fulfill other tasks as assigned by Knowledge Management Staff.
Required Qualifications:
• Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field.
• Experience with user information-seeking behaviors in an academic/research environment, including creating and adapting online tools such as wikis, blogs, mobile, etc.
• Familiarity with the role of an academic library.
• Demonstrated experience working with any of the following:
o a Content Management System such as Drupal, Joomla, or WordPress
o repository applications (e.g., DSpace, Fedora, ContentDM)
o team-based development using version-control systems such as Git or Subversion
o unique researcher identifiers such as ORCID or VIVO for creation and integration of bios for staff
• Knowledge of any of the following:
o LDAP, Shibboleth, and Active Directory or other common methods of authentication
o Ezproxy
o Semantic Web and Linked Data concepts and technologies
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
• Ability to adjust to periods of increased workflow and varying responsibilities.
• Outstanding written and oral communications and interpersonal skills.
• A commitment to service and innovation by demonstrating a proactive approach to supporting the technology needs of staff.
• Ability to communicate in various settings with diverse groups, from end users to administrators.


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