Job: Consultant (KAP Surveys)

Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Deadline: Monday, 12 August 2013 


Malteser International (Malteser) in Myanmar is committed to enhancing capacities and raising awareness amongst the community. Its key focus is on community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR). Malteser work in CBDRR emphasizes the active involvement of women and men in all phases of DRR programming. The aim is to reduce vulnerabilities and to increase the capacities of vulnerable groups to prevent or minimize loss and damage to life, property, livelihoods and the environment, and to minimize human suffering and hasten recovery. Malteser recognizes that communities play a pivotal role in responding to disasters and reducingrisk.
One of the significant DRR initiatives by Malteser in Rakhine state is the project Mangroves for a Safer Future in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State. In partnership with Mangrove Service Network (MSN), this project involves effective (mangrove) ecosystem restoration and sustainable livelihoods for more than 759 households with population of 5,235 in Sittwe Township. This innovative endeavour was financially supported by the German Government from 2008-2011.
To sustain the commitment for an integrated approach to coastal zone management in the context of climate change adaptation, Malteser is currently implementing a mangrove reforestation and climate change adaptation project from 2013-2018 supported by the German Government. The objective of the project is to develop a community-based, replicable model to strengthen local capacities for climate change adaptation through the development of disaster preparedness plans and the introduction of early warning systems in combination with the reforestation of mangroves for improved coastal protection.
The project links disaster risk reduction with income-generating activities and the conservation of the ecosystem. Communities' capacities are built to protect their livelihood from the consequences of climate change and to prepare for potential extreme climate-events and natural hazards. Particularly, the project aims to achieve result areas: Result 1: Local authorities are better informed about duties and responsibilities in risk management for climate change adaptation and can provide inputs to the National Adaptation Plan for Action (NAPA) process. Result 2: The coping mechanisms of the participating communities in disaster management are strengthened and their vulnerability is reduced through the reforestation of mangroves and a community- based coastal resources management system for climate change adaptation. Result 3: The publication of case studies further adds to the already existing knowledge on options for successful climate change adaptation in Myanmar. In order to fully measure the impact of expected results, Malteser is launching a call for concept notes for implementing Baseline and Endline Knowledge - Attitude - Practice (KAP) Surveys Targeted Areas
  • Coastal communities in Sittwe, Rathedaung, Pauktaw and Myebon Townships, Rakhine State
The consultant will support the project in establishing a baseline for the knowledge, attitude and practice
of targeted hazard-prone project areas. The baseline report will contain qualitative and quantitative
findings. The consultancy will lead to the conduct of an endline survey that the project can use to measure
its performance indicators.
The consultant will familiarize him/herself with the projec's proposal including its results and indicators
and will in-close coordination with relevant Malteser staff undertake a baseline and endline KAP surveys
for each of the target areas, and this will include but is not limited to:
  • Identifying set of variables based on the project indicators
  • Based on key variables, developing / adapting an existing survey questionnaire both English and
  • Myanmar to be discussed with the Programme Coordinator, Country Programme Coordinator and
  • Country DRR Coordinator.
  • Determining a sample size and sampling technique, layout of hard copy of the survey and methodologies for undertaking both qualitative and quantitative study alongside Malteser staff. The consultant will ensure that earlier experience with questionnaire design is captured and that its design allows using it for subsequent mid-term and final surveys.
  • Implementing the survey among the project target groups which classified by men, women, children, older people and people with disabilities
  • Training enumerators, data collection supervisors (for data quality assurance) and data encoders
  • Pilot testing and finalization of the questionnaires for qualitative and quantitative studies data collection, collation and entry via SPSS software
  • Ensuring overall data quality assurance through a system that is reflected throughout the data collection and collation process
  • Analyzing the data and producing a report in which the methodology and data processing is determined upon the agreement between the consultant and Country DRR Coordinator.
The specific outputs will be:
a) List of survey variables and final set of pilot tested questionnaires for quantitative study and guide
questions for qualitative study
b) Training Manual and Report (and presentation) on the training of the survey in English and Myanmar.
c) Hard and e-copy of the Final Report (and presentation) on survey data and analysis within an agreed
upon timeline after ending the assignment. The report is written in both Myanmar and English.
d) All hard copies of completed surveys.
e) Electronic files of photos taken for each household surveyed, along with their corresponding survey
In addition to hard copies, the consultants will make available electronic copies (on CD-ROM) of:
  • All reports in MS Word files;
  • All raw data together with relevant summaries of tables and charts, in SPSS once data entry has been completed, as well as updated & corrected files at the time of submission of draft report and revised final report.
During the assignment the consultant will give regular weekly briefings or as needed on progress of
work to the Country DRR Coordinator. This consultancy will include travel to and from the survey site.
The Consultant Team should have the experience of conducting similar survey work and analysis. The
consultant shall provide a mix of skills and expertise.
The consultant team leader:
  • Preferably Master's degree or higher in social sciences, statistic or other related subject.
  • Broad experience in survey fieldwork and producing study reports, as well as supervising & training
  • enumerators in data collection, validation and entry
  • Experience in transfer of knowledge through participatory approaches in training
  • Experience working in Rakhine state will be a plus factor.
The consultant's team members (if any):
  • Minimum of 3 years experience with surveys, awareness raising or related subject
  • Ability to work in rural remote areas
  • Willing to communicate with all ethnicity
  • Experience with transfer of knowledge, participatory approaches and/or facilitation
  • Experience working in Rakhine state will be a plus factor
DURATION AND TIMING (the agreed plan and time line will be based on the proposal from the
The consultant is expected to commence the services in early August 2013 and the assignment will be
carried out over the remaining period of 6 weeks from the date of commencement (agreed by both
consultant and Malteser).
  • 2 day for reviewing project document (project proposal) and other related documents, if any.
  • 2 days for developing survey tools, selecting survey approaches.
  • 2 day for training with Malteser staff on the tools and approach including pilot testing and finalizing of survey questionnaires
  • 10 days for collecting data in field.
  • 10 days for entering and analyzing collected data
  • 7 days for preparing draft report.
  • 1 day for presenting report to relevant Malteser International staff and partners for comments.
  • 3 days for finalizing the report.
The contract will be signed in accordance with Malteser regulations and guidelines for contracting of
consultants. The assignment will be directly managed by the Programme Coordinator based in Sittwe
and Country DRR Coordinator based in Yangon. Both mentioned coordinators of Malteser will ensure
that all required facilities and information are made available to the consultants. Furthermore, the
mentioned coordinators will ensure required logistical arrangements are in place.
Template for Final Report
1.Cover Page
2.Table of contents
3.List of Figures
4.List of Tables
7.Executive Summary: A brief summary of the report
Purpose of baseline: Brief description of purpose of consultancy.
Methodology: Brief description of how the consultancy was executed.
9. Survey results
  • Findings overview
  • Analysis
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion and Recommendations
10. Consultants aspects
  • Compare with ToR
  • Constraints encountered
11. Appendices
  • Table with survey data
  • Visited/interviewed residents
  • Methodology details
  • Working documents
  • Questionnaire form for use by project in replication
Interested or selected candidates please submit the following documents:
1. Technical proposal (10 pages maximum) with indicative workplan - the technical proposal should
reflect how the consultant will undertake all of the above-mentioned activities.
2. Detailed budget proposal (estimated at 5,000USD)
3. Curriculum Vitae of Team Leader
4. At least 1 sample of past baseline survey report
Due to the urgency of this consultancy, Malteser encourages interested parties to submit their proposals as
soon as possible and reserves the right to award this consultancy to shortlisted applicants even before the
mentioned deadline. All concept notes should be submitted no later than 12 August 2013 and should be
addressed to:
  • Birke Herzbruch, Country Representative; copy to
  • Philipp Danao, Country DRR Coordinator,
  • Dr. Mel Capistrano, Country Programme Coordinator, and
  • Johannes Kaltenbach, Senior Desk Officer,


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