Job: Chief Technical Adviser - Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Location: Dhaka
Deadline: Thursday, 14 November 2013
Human Resources Development Department International Labour Office
Vacancy No: DHAKA/2013/05 Title: Chief Technical Adviser, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Grade: P.5 Contract type: Fixed-Term Appointment Duration of contract: One year (with possibility of renewal)
Date: 31 October 2013 Application Deadline (midnight Geneva time) 14 November 2013 Organization unit: CO-DHAKA Duty Station: Dhaka, Bangladesh
For any questions related to this post, please contact Mr Srinivasa Reddy Baki, This is a Technical Cooperation position therefore the recruitment process falls outside Annex 1 of the ILO Staff Regulations. Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A one-year fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance. The following are eligible to apply:
  • Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
  • External candidates. *** The ILO values diversity among its staff. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including those with disabilities. Conditions of employment are described in Appendix II. The Office is a non-smoking environment.
Bangladesh readymade garment (RMG) industry have become one of the main engines of growth accounting for 80 per cent of exports mainly to US and Europe markets, and providing employment opportunities for 3.1 million workers of whom 80 per cent are women. The number of export -oriented garment factories has grown from a number of 9 in 1979 to today more than 5,200. The industry continued to grow during the recent financial crisis. In the 2008-2009 fiscal year, garment exports earned US$11 billion. However increasing national and international concern has been expressed regarding the fairness of this highly competitive industry. Allegations have continued to rise on the poor working conditions of employees in the RMG industry. Protection of workers' fundamental rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining remain, in practice and in law, very weak. RMG factories operating in the export processing zones are officially outside the scope of the national legislation and system of labour management relations.
Overall, the entire industry seems to be particularly affected by the lack of sound industrial relations, and collective bargaining. A strategy is thus needed in order to develop new sources of competitiveness for the industry, as proceeding towards a downwards spiral of lack of recognition of workers' rights and low labour costs is neither economically nor socially sustainable. To support national constituents to attain this objective, the project on 'Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work' (FPRW) will aim at creating an enabling environment for sound industrial relations and tripartite partnerships.
This includes the implementation of a coordinated and strategic approach aimed at improving compliance with core international labour standards on freedom of association and collective bargaining as well as enhancing the freedom and capacity of social partners to exercise their rights and engage in fruitful labour management cooperation. This project also aims to pave the way for a possible Better Work Programme in Bangladesh. As a result of the initial work of the FPRW Project and the increasingly high profile of labour compliance and fundamental rights at work issues in the RMG, shrimp processing, and other export-oriented global industries, the ILO was requested by the Norwegian Government to develop and implement an FPRW type program to include other key export industries such as shrimp, shoe and leather, and EPZ industries.
The US Government and the Government of Bangladesh have asked the ILO to develop and implement a project on labour compliance and sound labour practices in the shrimp processing sector. The Chief Technical Advisor will serve the 3 projects and grants. Overall Function To manage all operational and technical implementation of all aspects of the project within the policy and procedural requirements established by the ILO, and its Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch. Supervision The CTA will be assisted by a national project coordinator, as well as a financial and administrative assistant. The CTA will fall under the responsibility of and report to the Country Director of the ILO Country Office for Bangladesh. The Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch will provide the necessary technical backstopping of the project, and will oversee the project implementation and monitoring in accordance with the project document and accordingly report to the donor. Regular technical support and backstopping will be provided by (i) the Specialists in the DWT - New Delhi; and (ii) relevant HQ technical units and technical cooperation programmes, in particular Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch, Better Work, ACTEMP, ACTRAV, SECTOR, NORMES, DIALOGUE and LAB/ADMIN.
Description of Duties
Core technical duties
  • Develop and maintain strong relationships with the Government, the employers' organisations, trade unions, and a range of stakeholders including international buyers, global union structures, donors, relevant international missions, and NGOs;
  • Provide technical advice to improve legal compliance with ILO core standards on freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Provide policy advice to the government and the social partners on issues related to the effective promotion and implementation of the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  • Facilitate the exercise of the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining trough a variety of strategies including, awareness raising, training, institutional development, media based campaigns, and data collection and monitoring
  • Design and implement strategies to enhance the institutional capacity of social partners to represent their members and fully exercise their rights at the national and local levels
  • Promote and facilitate the development of workplace cooperation at the enterprise level, and acknowledge sharing on this issue across sectors.
  • Provide technical inputs to project's documents and tools to ensure sound technical advice in conformity with ILO core conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Ensure 3 projects' synergies with the different components of the ILO Decent Work Country Programme.
  • Facilitate coordination of projects' work with high level national and global initiatives on labour compliance, labour rights, and working conditions related to the recent RMG sector industrial tragedies in Bangladesh.
  • Lead the coordination of projects' work with the anticipated Better Work-Bangladesh and the ILO-Dhaka Improving Working Conditions in the RMG Sector projects. 11. Initiate and lead efforts to secure support to expand project components to other key export oriented sectors.
Core management duties
  • Ensure a high degree of transparency, accountability and credibility internally and externally for the project
  • Ensure the effective implementation of inputs, activities and outcomes according to the project documents and work plans for
  • distinct projects funded by USDOL, the Norwegian Government (RNG), and the Government of Bangladesh (with USAID) (GoB/USAID).
  • Periodically report, monitor and facilitate the evaluation of all project's components according to the project documents and work plans to 3 separate donors
  • Manage the 3 projects' human resources including recruitment, mainstreaming gender equality and the principles of equal opportunity, staff development and performance management for the three projects funded by USDOL, RNG, GoB/USAID
  • Supervise the work of the 3 projects' staffs and numerous consultants according to ILO's human resources regulations
  • Assume full responsibility for effective and efficient administrative and financial systems management for the 3 projects in accordance with ILO financial rules and regulations
  • Ensure high-level communications to increase the profile of the 3 projects in Bangladesh with national constituents, international buyers, international opinion makers and media as well as within the ILO. This includes representing the project at national and international levels;
  • Develop and maintain strong links with the ILO Decent Work Team in New Delhi and other colleagues in the field and HQ working on similar issues
Required Qualifications
  • Advanced university degree in economics, labour law, management, international development, social science or relevant field.
  • At least ten years of professional experience in labour relations, labour law or social dialogue, of which at least seven years at the international level.
  • Experience in Asian countries including Bangladesh on the export processing sector, corporate social responsibility (particularly in the field of labour standards compliance), capacity building, trade agreements, project management or related fields in a senior level position would be an asset.
  • Familiarity with policies and procedures relating to multilateral development cooperation projects is required.
  • Excellent command of English. Good knowledge of another ILO official language will be an advantage.
  • Excellent technical knowledge on labour relations, labour law, corporate social responsibility;
  • Excellent ability to conduct capacity building and training activities;
  • Experience in private sector development, preferably in the export sector;
  • Excellent analytical skills including demonstrated ability to write reports;
  • Excellent ability to provide authoritative policy and technical advice and guidance;
  • Familiarity with policies and procedures relating to multilateral development cooperation projects is required.
  • High level communications skills, both oral and written including capacity to represent the organisation, work with the media, and operate in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Excellent ability to manage donor relations, project delivery, and implementation issues of multiple projects in a variety of industries.


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