Location: Jakarta 
Deadline: Tuesday, 15 October 2013 

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat is the nerve centre ofASEAN, a regional inter-governmental organisation founded in 1967, to promote peace andstability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social progress. It comprisesthe ten countries of Southeast Asia.
The entry into force of the ASEAN Charter on 15 December 2008 had provided new impetusto ASEAN's integration efforts by establishing a legal and institutional framework requiredto achieve the ASEAN Community by 2015. This includes the newly approved organisationalstructure of the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) that is aligned to the requirements of the Charterand the three Blueprints of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEANEconomic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). The ASEANSecretariat is therefore well positioned to provide the necessary functions required toeffectively support the community building process under the Charter and the Blueprints.
Currently, the ASEAN Secretariat is looking for a suitable candidate to fill the vacancy ofTechnical Officer who will work under the Agriculture Industries and Natural Resources(AINR) Division, which the division manages ASEAN cooperation in food (including foodsecurity, food handling and food safety), agriculture (crops, livestock, animal diseases –including avian influenza, sanitary and phytosanitary/SPS issues, fisheries, agriculturalcooperatives, agricultural training and extension, agricultural research & development),forestry (including forest products promotion scheme), and promotion of agriculture andforest products including trade related issues. Some key and cross cutting issues such asSPS, zoonosis and animal health, forest/ wildlife law enforcement, climate change as well asintegration activities e.g. harmonizing standard and trade liberalization will also be covered.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The duties will cover, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Manage and co-ordinate activities and provide required support for theimplementation and monitoring of activities under the assigned working groups/experts groups under Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)- ASEAN Ministers Meeting onAgriculture and Forestry (AMAF).
  • Co-ordinate and provide required support for the implementation and monitoringof activities under the assigned working groups/experts group under SOM-AMAF;
  • Represent the ASEAN Secretariat in the assigned meetings of ASEAN bodies andother organisations in the food, agriculture and forestry sector and serve asresource person and coordinate report of the meeting;
  • Coordinate responses to queries from Member Countries with respect to theASEAN co-operation in food, agriculture and forestry;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by Head of Division and higher authorities.
2. Provide appropriates technical and administrative support with respect to co-operation in food, agriculture and forestry in the ASEAN region.
  • Maintain records and documentation of the activities, decisions, and initiatives inthe development of the regional co-operation in food, agriculture and forestry;
  • Co-ordinate the production of background papers reports/updated and otherinformation materials;
  • Assist the Senior Officer (SO) and Head of Division/Assistant Director (ADR) inco-ordinating the outsourcing of technical support required in theimplementation of programmes/projects;
  • Co-ordinate follows up actions with respects to decisions and agreements;
  • Assist the SO and ADR in coordinating and managing of agricultural projectsmanaged by NRU, including liaise with the project stakeholders, monitor andappraise the implementation of project activities, record project assets, conductbook keepings of the project budget, and drafting correspondences;
  • Assess and conduct pre-appraisal for new project proposals submitted byWorking Groups, ASEAN Member Countries and Dialogue Partners.
3. Manage the technical administrative support to the ASEAN bodies with respect tomeetings.Manage the technical administrative support with respect to pre-meeting
  • Manage the technical administrative support with respect to pre-meeting activities
  • Preparation and circulation of agenda and relevant documents;Co-ordination with the host country;
  • Manage the technical and administrative support and logistics during themeeting;
  • Co-ordination of press release and protocol matters;
  • Assist in rapporteuring works in the meetings;
  • Co-ordinate linkage across committees;Supervise and record the progress and decision points of the meeting to provideinstitutional memory;
  • Documentation of the progress as well as the result of the meeting;Response to informal requests of the Member Countries during the meeting;
  • Manage the technical and administrative support with respect to post-meetingactivities;
  • Co-ordination of follows up actions and decisions.
4. Coordinate technical and administrative support for the AINR.
  • Consolidate inputs/paper from Officers in the Divisions;
  • Coordinate the work of the AINR staff for the preparation of SOM-AMAF/AMAF.
Qualifications and Experience:
  • Bachelor Degree in Agriculture or its equivalent with at least five (5) years relevantworking experience. Candidates with Advanced Degree in any of the above disciplineswith three (3) years relevant working experience is preferred.
  • Demonstrated knowledge, research or development co-operation on food, agriculture andforestry, and ability to acquire them. Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships withstakeholders and/or dialogue partners
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and organise tasks and work flows, with proven ability foraccuracy under pressure and adherence to deadlines.
  • Demonstrated sound oral and written communication skills and sound interpersonalskills, including experience in cross-cultural environment and international settings.
  • Demonstrated commitment to collaborative work practices.
  • Proven skills in problem solving in a complex organisational environment and in workplanning.
  • Ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, perform tasks outside the usual jobscope, and willingness to travel frequently on short notice.
  • Good command of English, written and spoken.
  • Competency in computer skills with adequate knowledge of Microsoft Office and Outlookwhere relevant to the position.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Successful candidate will be offered the post with a probation period of six months and monthly salary starting from IDR 5,000,000. There are other applicable benefits whichinclude monthly transportation allowance, outpatient medical reimbursement,hospitalization insurance, and an annual bonus of a month's basic salary. Upon completionof the probationary period, the candidate will be confirmed on an initial up to three-yearcontract, inclusive of the six-month probationary period
Send your application to, highlighting your suitability and potential
contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sizedphotograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained, and completedEmployment Application Form, which can be downloaded at
Howto apply:
Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for Technical Officer AgricultureIndustries & Natural Resources.Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 15 October 2013.The Selection Committee's decision is final and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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