Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Deadline: Thursday, 10 October 2013
Deadline: Thursday, 10 October 2013
Summary of the Action
The proposed action - Needs assessment and preparation of standard operational procedures formigrant accommodation center management is envisioned with the Component of the project'Supporting the establishment of effective readmission management in Armenia, Azerbaijan andGeorgia' funded by the European Union.The expert will conduct an assessment of gaps and needs of existing temporary accommodationof migrants, especially open reception facility present in Azerbaijan and provide analysis reportwith recommendations. The assessment report will include the legislative, operational andadministrative functioning of the Reception center and development of a final report andrecommendations. In addition, standard operational procedures (SOP) will be developed for theoperation and management of the open Reception Center for vulnerable migrants which will beused as the basis for subsequent training activities. The SOP will aim to set the basis for securebut humane temporary holding of migrants who are not asylum seekers such as migrants both inregular and irregular situation, stranded migrants, re-admitted third country nationals,unaccompanied migrants, victims of trafficking, etc.
1. Objectives and Expected ResultsObjectives
Assessment of the Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers and vulnerable migrants and itscompliance with best world practices and international standards on temporary receptionDetermination of gaps and most immediate needs of the center for temporary holding ofmigrants who are not asylum seekers such as migrants both in regular and irregularsituation, stranded migrants, re-admitted third country nationals, unaccompaniedmigrants, victims of trafficking, etc. Development of recommendations on the improvement of legislative, operational andadministrative functioning of the open Reception Centre Development of standard operational procedures for the establishment of new receptionfacilities for temporary holding of migrants who are not asylum seekers such as migrants both in regular and irregular situation, stranded migrants, re-admitted third country nationals, unaccompanied migrants, victims of trafficking, etc.
Expected Results:
An assessment report is written which describes legislative, technical and administrativeneeds of the Reception Centre and states the level of its compliance with internationalstandards and practices and recommendations.
The standard operational procedures are developed for the operation and management ofthe open Reception Center for vulnerable migrants which will be used as the basis forsubsequent training activities.
The report and SOP will be translated into Azerbaijani and presented to the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan for further work.
2. Methodology
2.1 Form of the Action:The expert will work in close cooperation with IOM Baku and IOM Regional Office as wellas EU Twinning project experts in charge of assessment of closed detention centre.The centre assessment and development of SoP will be carried out in light of existing andexpected needs of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan considering the following maincriteria;
(to clarify the exact scope of the centre, categories of migrants to beaccommodated there, institutions involved and their functions, long-term planning ofthe centre, coordination procedures with pre-screening activities and with othercentres already existing).
(to analyze the legal status of the centre and relevant national normativeframework and the international legal framework applicable for the assessment of itsfunctioning).
(to identify the location, provisions of basic services anddaily living supplies, facilities needed). Human and material (to identify the personnel, clarify tasks, training, division ofspaces for different categories).
The SoP should encompass the issues inter alia:
- Space
- Admissions
- Housing and accommodation
Rights and responsibilities of migrants who are not asylum seekersHealthcare,Administration and human resources managementMonitoring, etc.
Structure of the Report:
The report will be maximum of 100 pages and will consist of the following key parts:
Introduction and summary
Overview of the methodology of the assessment
Main criteria of assessment (existing standards and practice)
Recommendations (both to the administration of the SMS centre and to the SMSin general on key issues while developing strategies for establishing further openmigrant accommodation facilities in Azerbaijan)
2.2. Implementing partners and roles
IOM Baku (collection of relevant documents, logistics and overall management)
External expert (Assessment, development of the report and SoP)
Local and other partners (Providing relevant documentation, logistics, etc.)
2.3. Timeframe and deliverables
1. Preparatory period (1 month) – 25 October – 24 November 2013
Hiring of an expertCollection and review by the expert of necessary documentation
2.3.2. Implementation period (4-5 days) 25 November - 29 November 2013
- Visit to the SMS Centre in Azerbaijan (Expert, IOM Project team)Meeting with relevant partners (Expert, IOM Baku, State Migration Service,personnel of the Centre, EU Twinning experts, UNHCR staff, etc.)
2.3.3. Reporting period (2 months)
The expert will provide a draft report and SoP to IOM Baku and IOM RO forconsideration two weeks after the trip.The expert will finalize the report and SoP two weeks after receiving comments fromIOM.The report and SoP translated into Azerbaijan and shared with the SMS representatives within one month after finalization in English.
3. Monitoring and Evaluation
IOM will be in close contact with both the external expert, local partners in terms of theproposed timeframe, as well as ensuring the deliverables of final results.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their curriculum vitae (in English) by email toiombaku@iom.int listing in the email subject 'CV for International Expert, Readmission'.The CV-s should be received before 10 October, 2013.
Only short-listed candidates will becontacted.
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