Location: New York
Deadline: Sunday, 22 September 2013 


Location :
Application Deadline :
Type of Contract :
FTA International
Post Level :
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :
Initially one year with the possibility to extend up to 3 years
Expected Duration of Assignment :
Initially one year with the possibility to extend up to 3 years
This post is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the Belgium and is addressed exclusively to Belgian and European Union nationals who have successfully completed the training programme (Cycle d’Information Générale) organized by the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC / CTB).
Interviews will be taking place in Brussels, Belgium in the week 18-22 November 2013. Invited candidates are required to be present in person for the interview. Travel cost to Brussels will be at the candidates’ own expense.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), headquartered in New York, maintains a network of country, regional and liaison offices around the world in order to maximize its efficiency in working closely with clients and partners.
UNDP’s work on Trade aims among others, to scaling up UNDP’s substantive support to the Integrated Framework for Trade Related Technical Assistance (IF) for the Least Developed Countries (LDC's), and facilitating institutional relationships with EIF partner agencies.
The Inclusive Globalization Team (IGT) of UNDP acts as UNDP's focal point for the Trade and Productive Capacity Cluster of the United Nations Chief Executive Board, the WTO Aid for Trade Initiative and the UN Economic Commissions/Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UN-EC/ESA) Trade Cluster. The cluster serves as a corporate knowledge resource on trade and human development, facilitates a wide range of partnerships on trade capacity building issues including with UNCTAD, the WTO and ITC and provides specialized policy advisory services to country offices on demand.
UNDP’s IGT facilitates a wide-range of partnerships on trade capacity-building issues, and promotes better understanding of the link between trade and human development concerns around trade-related discussions.
UNDP has established a collaborative relationship with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to jointly develop the trade-related activities in the area of trade-related international support measures for LDCs. UNDESA developed the support measures portal for LDC ( and is undertaking joint capacity building activities with UNDP and in cooperation with other agencies to improve the utilization of those measures.
Due to their complexity, the trade-related support measures for LDCs are often difficult to use. UNDP and UNDESA seek to enhance the capacity in LDCs to access and effectively use the trade-related international support measures for addressing structural handicaps. In doing so, their capacity building activities contribute to the overarching goal of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) for LDCs for the Decade 2011-2020 to overcome the structural challenges faced by LDCs in order to eradicate poverty, achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable graduation from the least developed country categor y 
Duties and Responsibilities
The candidate’s main focus shall be on assisting in the identification and analysis of LDCs-specific trade-related international support measures (ISMs). These measures are divided into three main areas:
a)      preferential market access,
b)      special treatment regarding World Trade Organization-related obligations, and
c)       trade-related technical assistance (such as under the Enhanced Integrated Framework).
Initially, the incumbent will work alongside the supervisor to gain an insight into objectives of the assignments, strategies and related project implementation activities.
The responsibilities are as follows:
·         Maintain and further develop the trade-related support measures information contained in the support measures portal for LDCs (, including promoting and monitoring of online discussions, adding news items, adding content for the monthly ‘ISM in the ‘Spotlight’, writing new stories, checking new data availability, and providing inputs to the monthly Newsletter highlighting the online discussions and news items. Estimated time allocation: 60%.
·         In support of the above activities on cataloguing the trade-related international support measures associated with LDCs status, document and analyze the degree to which beneficiary countries are taking advantage of such benefits. Estimated time allocation: 10%.
·         Identification and analysis of smooth transition measures offered by development and trading partners to countries graduated from the LDC category. Estimated time allocation: 10%.
·         Assist in the organization and implementation of capacity development training activities and expert group meetings related to the above activities. Estimated time allocation: 10%.
·         Assist with the preparation of relevant background papers, project reports and presentations related to the above activities. Estimated time allocation: 5%.
Any other task that may be assigned by the supervisor in the day-to-day running of the Inclusive Globalization Team. Estimated time allocation: 5%.
Key competencies of the assignment
Core competences:
·         Ethics & Value
·         Working in Teams
·         Communicating Information & Ideas
·         Self-management & Emotional intelligence
·         Decision making
Functional competences:
·         Promotes a supportive environment to enhance partnerships
·         Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
·         Understands aspects of trade as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines
·         Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning
Required Skills and Experience
·         Master's Degree in a related field of expertise
Working Experience:
·         A minimum of two years of paid working experience in a relevant field
·         Working knowledge of English
·         Working knowledge of French is an advantage.
Other desirable education and work experience:
Good understanding of and experience with internet related technologies, including social media.
Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders).
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


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