Location : Erbil, IRAQ
Application Deadline : 06-Oct-13
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : International Consultant
Languages Required : Arabic English
UNWomen is committed to helping improve rates of political participation by women throughout the world. Elections for the regional parliament of Kurdistan, Iraq will be held on 21 September 2013. There are 43 women members of the outgoing regional parliament, representing more than 30% of the total. They hold positions in most of the main committees and they hold important political positions within different political party blocs inside parliament. During a training session on negotiation and mediation skills conducted by UNWomen in December 2012 the women members of the Kurdish parliament stated clearly that they needed more media and presentation skills in order to defend their position in parliament more easily. In order to help encourage the participation of women in the new Kurdish parliament, to be elected on 21 September 2013, UNWomen is proposing to hold a short three to four day training session for the newly elected women MPs at the end of October/beginning of November in Media and presentation skills and is seeking specialized consultancy support to carry out this training programme
Women MPs in Kurdistan recognise that they need more training on media and presentation skills if they are to play a full part in politics. By targeting newly elected women MPs, UNWomen aim to give these newly elected MPs skills that will help them throughout the length of the new parliament.
To enable women MPs in Kurdistan to play a full role in politics, including presentations during parliamentary debates, participation in media interviews and television programmes and actively promoting media work to their advantage. To train as many of the newly elected women MPs as wish to participate in the training being a maximum of approximately 40 MPs. To make recommendations for follow up and further training if necessary.
Duties and Responsibilities
To draw up a training programme on media and presentation skills for parliamentarians to be carried out over a period of 3 days for up to 40 participants (this might be divided into two separate sessions with an understanding that 40 is a maximum and likely numbers will be between 20 – 30). To include in that programme an opportunity for one to one/face to face interaction to enable individual members of parliament to get feedback and guidance on their own performance and how this might be improved. To produce a report on participation and lessons learnt and to propose follow up and possible future training modules.
Actual timing to be agreed with Kurdish parliament but has been tentatively set for first week of November. Time in country will depend on proposed timetable of work but likely to be 4 days preparation time followed by 7 days in Erbil.
Written outline Media and presentation skills Training programme for up to 40 elected women MPs. Delivery of the training programme for up to 40 MPs, including one to one skills session for at least 12 MPs. Final report covering attendees, current skills level and future needs as well as any lessons learnt.
Evaluation Criteria:
The offer will be evaluated by using the Best Value for money approach (combined scoring method). The Technical Proposal will be evaluated at 70%. Whereas the Financial Proposal will be evaluated at 30%.The breakdown of the technical criteria will be evaluated as follows:
  • Criteria: at least five years training experience preferably in media skills (Weight: 30%. Maximum obtainable Points: 30);
  • Criteria: direct knowledge of media, experience in working in media, knowledge of social media (Weight: 20%. Maximum obtainable Points: 20);
  • Criteria: experience of working with parliamentarians, including in the Middle East (weight 20%; maximum points 20);
  • Criteria: knowledge of gender issues (Weight 15%; maximum obtainable points 15);
  • Criteria: excellent written and spoken English and/or Arabic, knowledge of Kurdish (weight 15%; maximum obtainable points 15).
The overall total of 100 will re-weighted to 70% on completion of the evaluation.
Please send a cover letter setting out proposed time frame of training and preparation and enclosing a CV online (the UNDP job site) before 6 October. Please clarify language of training and how issues of interpretation will be dealt with if necessary. Closing date for receiving offers will be 15.00 hours Iraq time, 6 October 2013.
Functional Competencies:
  • Good understanding of participatory methods in learning and strong facilitation skills;
  • Advanced understanding of New Media (Social Media, Twitter etc).;
  • Demonstrated public speaking skills.
  • Good understanding of Human Rights Based Approach to development. A good understanding of human rights, women's rights, and socio-economic justice;
  • Excellent communications skills both verbal and written;
  • Organized and structured planning of own work;
  • Innovative;
  • Respect for diversity, demonstrated ability and experience of working with trainees from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds;
  • Knowledge of UNWomen's mandate and priorities.
Required Skills and Experience
  • At least 5 years post degree training experience.
  • Documented experience in facilitation and action based learning preferably with parliamentarians, government officials or similar audiences;
  • At least 3 years specific training in media experience;
  • Demonstrable knowledge of social media skills;
  • Understanding of gender issues in development and demonstrable commitment to promoting gender equity;
  • Experience in working with and promoting public service concepts and participatory governance practice;
  • Specific documented experience of training women, preferably in the Middle East.
Languages required:
  • Fluency in English or Arabic, knowledge of Kurdish is an advantage but not mandatory.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Responsibility Corporate social responsibility - Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. 


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