Location: Paris, France
Deadline: Thursday, 17 October 2013
Deadline: Thursday, 17 October 2013
International Civil Aviation Organization Vacancy Notice
Post Title: Aviation Security Technical Officer, ECAC
Level: P-3
Duty Station: Paris
Vacancy Notice:2013/36/P 101803
Deadline for applications:17 October 2013
Date for entry on duty: After 17 October 2013
The ECAC Secretariat serves the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) in promoting the continued development of a safe, secure, efficient and sustainable European air transport system within its 44 Member States. It sustains extensive activities in the safety, security, facilitation, environmental and economic field. The incumbent reports directly to the Deputy Executive Secretary of ECAC responsible for aviation security matters, and has the primary function of managing the ECAC Common Evaluation Process, and dealing with technical aviation security matters.
Function 1 (incl. Expec ted results)
Support the activities of the Aviation Security Technical Task Force (TTF), achieving results such as:
- Give efficient secretariat support to the Task Force;
- Plan and organize meetings efficiently, including through their timely convening, effective agendas, the drafting and circulation of clear working and information papers, the provision of a clear steering brief, the issuing of prompt summaries of discussions, and the efficient follow-up of actions decided upon;
- Monitor and support the work of the TTF study groups, including through coordination with their rapporteurs;
- Present draft amendments to Doc 30, Part II, and Common Testing Methodologies (CTMs) to the Security Programme Management Group/Co-ordinating Committee/Directors General;
- Prepare papers and speaking notes for submission to United Nations Special Fund, Security Programme Management Group, Coordinating Committee, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (SF/SPMG/CC/DGCA);
- Maintain effective working relationships with the European Commission, and other international and regional aviation organizations;
- Develop and organize capacity building activities in the field of security technology and equipment, in cooperation with the TTF.
Function 2 (incl. Expected results)
Support the operation and further development of the Common Evaluation Process (CEP) of security equipment, achieving results such as:
- Effectively manage test programmes, and ensure tests are performed according to the agreed schedule;
- Support and monitor test implementation to ensure the completion of allocated tests, submission of test reports to the Management Group (MG), endorsement of MG test reports, and update of ECAC website on test results;
- Maintain effective communication with manufacturers (e.g. information sessions, meetings, follow-up on queries);
- Keep CEP reference documentation up to date (e.g. CEP Handbook, CTMs, test management procedures, internal guidelines) and make them available to Member States;
- Present draft amendments to technical standards and CTMs to the ECAC Security Programme Management Group, the Coordinating Committee and the Directors General of Civil Aviation;
- ECAC Member States' interests are well represented through t he post-holder's participation in EU meetings (e.g. European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection ERNCIP) on security equipment certification.
Function 3 (incl. Expected results)
Support the activities of the Common Evaluation Process (CEP) Management Group, achieving results such as:
- Efficient secretariat support to the CEP Management Group, including ensuring meetings are planned and organized efficiently through their timely convening, effective agendas, the drafting and circulation of clear working and information papers, the provision of a clear steering brief, the issuing of prompt summaries of discussions, and an efficient follow-up of actions decided upon.
Function 4 (incl. Expected results)
Provide support to the activities of the Deputy Executive Secretary, achieving results such as:
- Support to ECAC facilitation activities (e.g. organization of facilitation meetings, updating facilitation documentation);
- Contribute to security team activities, such as the organization and delivery of workshops;
- Substitute for colleagues as needed;
- Support meetings of Security Forum, Security Programme Management Group, Co-ordinating Committee and Directors General, including through drafting of working papers, speaking notes, and summary of decisions.
Function 5 (incl. Expected results)
Perform other related duties as required, achieving results such as:
- Contribute to the implementation of ECAC annual work programme;
- Participate in ECAC Familiarisation Course for Directors General;
- Participate in international meetings and conferences, as required.
Educational background A first level university degree, preferably with a specialisation in civil aviation, international relations or European law, is required.
Professional experience and knowledge
- Preferably six years of experience at a professional level in a civil aviation administration, an airport operator, an airline or a similar aviation-related organization, which should have included experience of the regulation of international civil aviation. Over three years of such experience should include work at international level (e.g. participation in international groups).
- Experience of managing projects and developing and maintaining relations with international partners (e.g. European Commission).
- Good knowledge of ECAC's structure, functions and specific role in the European aviation community.
- Understanding of the roles and activities of other international aviation organizations, in particular the European Commission and ICAO.
- Familiarity with the strategic issues facing civil aviation in Europe, and where the European approach to them may differ to that of other regions.
- Ability to prepare clear, concise and accurate documentation, and to present articulate written and oral reports.
- Ability to use personal computers and common contemporary software.
Language Skills
Fluent reading, writing and speaking abilities in English are essential. A working knowledge of French with ability to engage in ordinary conversations and meetings is desirable. A second language of the Organization (Arabic, Chinese, Russian, or Spanish) is an asset.
1. Planning and Organizing: The ability to set clear goals, to prioritize, to anticipate problems or risks and use time efficiently.
2. Accountability: The willingness and ability to accept responsibility for oneself and one's responsibilities; taking ownership for actions and outcomes.
3. Client Orientation: The willingness and ability to see things from the clients' perspective, anticipate client needs and concerns; find appropriate solutions for clients and keep clients informed.
4. Communication: The ability to convey oral and written communication clearly and concisely; listening to understand, and asking questions to verify understanding.
5. Teamwork: The willingness and ability to work collaboratively with others.
6. Judgment and Decision-making: The person is in a role where s/he is expected to identify key issues quickly, gather relevant information, consider positive and negative impacts, check assumptions against facts and make tough decisions when necessary.
7. Commitment to continuous learning: The willingness and ability to engage in self-development, keep oneself up-to-date with new developments, help others to learn and learn from others.
Vacancy open to nationals of ECAC Member States, listed below.
MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN CIVIL AVIATION CONFERENCE Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom
It should be noted that this post is to be filled on a fixed-term basis for an initial period of three years (first year is probationary for an external candidate). ICAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Secretary General and may be assigned to any activities or offices of the Organization within the duty station. ICAO staff members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting their status as international civil servants. In this connection, ICAO has incorporated the 2001 Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service into the ICAO Personnel Instructions. ICAO offers an attractive benefit package to its employees in accordance with the policies of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). The statutory retirement age for staff entering or re-entering service after 1 January 1990 is 62. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete a term of appointment will normally be considered. Remuneration: Level P-3 Rate Single Dependency (*) Post Adjustment is subject to change. Net Base Salary per annum 56,091 60,091 + Post Adjustment (net) per annum(*) 40,441 43,325
HOW TO APPLY Interested candidates must complete an on-line application form. To apply, please visit ICAO's e-Recruitment website at: https://careers.icao.int.
ICAO does NOT charge any fees or request money from candidates at any stage of the selection process, nor does it concern itself with bank account details of applicants. Requests of this nature allegedly made on behalf of ICAO are fraudulent and should be disregarded.
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