Job: Operations Officer for Science of Delivery

Location: Washington
Deadline: Monday, 12 August 2013 


Background / General description:

World Bank Group Context
Innovation and partnership bond the five institutions of the World Bank Group (WBG): the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), which together form the World Bank; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It uses financial resources and extensive experience to help poor nations reduce poverty, increase economic growth, and improve the quality of life. The World Bank is the world's largest funder of education; the world's largest external funder of the fight against HIV/AIDS; a leader in the fight against corruption worldwide; a strong supporter of debt relief; and the largest international financier of biodiversity, water supply, and sanitation projects. To ensure that countries can access the best global expertise and help generate cutting-edge knowledge, the World Bank Group is constantly seeking to improve the way it works. Key priorities include delivering measurable results, promoting openness and transparency in development, and improving access to development information and data.
***The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of race, gender, nationality, culture, and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. ***
VPU Context
Within the World Bank Group, the Operational Policy and Country Services (OPCS) Vice-presidency works with other Bank units to raise the level of our country partners' satisfaction with the Bank's performance. It provides advice and support to Bank management (the President, Managing Directors, Operations and Regional management) and staff on preparing and implementing country strategies, lending and non-lending operations, and on portfolio management. This includes advising and providing hands-on assistance on the Bank's policies, processes, and risk management related to operations (e.g. use of financing and advisory/knowledge instruments; on procurement, financial management, and safeguards matters; and results management). OPCS is responsible for modernizing operational knowledge and lending instruments to help the Bank effectively respond to country needs. It is also responsible for formulating and updating the operational policies and for the framework underpinning regional and country assistance strategies, as well as providing support and advice on sector strategies. It serves as a corporate focal point for the agenda to strengthen Bank support in fragile and conflict-affected situations. Several corporate functions carried out by OPCS include coordinating the global aid effectiveness agenda; coordinating the exchanges with the Board (in particular, the Committee on Development Effectiveness), the Bank's oversight units (particularly the Independent Evaluation Group and Inspection Panel); and representing the Bank in several global partnerships. The vice presidency is comprised of five departments:
(i) Operations Policy and Quality;
(ii) Operational Risk Management;
(iii) Results, Openness, and Effectiveness;
(iv) Knowledge and Learning; and
(v) Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations.
Department/Unit context
OPCS's Knowledge and Learning Department (OPSKL) works closely with Senior Management as well as with teams in regions, networks, and other parts of the Bank to shape and implement the WBG Knowledge Agenda. It is also responsible for the Bank's work program on operational learning. To that end, the department manages the Operational Core Curriculum to ensure that frontline staff has the knowledge of the Bank's operational instruments to carry out their work effectively. In the context of the on-going change process in the WBG, the department also serves as an incubator for knowledge and learning related change initiatives. For example, it coordinates the new Science of Delivery agenda, leads the work on Learning from Failure; and, it actively engages in the WBG-wide initiative to develop a world-class Knowledge Management approach for the Bank. Finally, the Department serves as the home for a number of strategic knowledge and learning funding programs, such as the Institutional Development Fund (IDF) and the Nordic Trust Fund (NTF).
One of the Department's core mandates relates to the new corporate Science of Delivery (SoD) priority, for which OPSKL plays a WBG-wide coordination role. The Science of Delivery promotes the systematic use of evidence-based methods and change management processes to support adaptive approaches to the design and implementation of development programs. It also promotes the consistent measurement of outcomes and continuous and deliberate learning to inform course corrections during project implementation. In the context of the WBG change process, SoD principles are being incorporated into the Bank's project cycle and country engagement. At the same time, a global partnership and CoP is under development to advance the agenda for the development community as a whole.
Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term appointment.
  Duties and Accountabilities:

OPSKL is looking for a dynamic development professional with a passion for evidence-based adaptable program implementation and change management processes that lead to long lasting outcomes for clients. The ideal candidate will have a strong analytical mind combined with some hands-on operational development experience.
Key responsibilities include:
1. Support and lead components of the development of research and teaching case studies on the science of delivery as well as the development of a Science of Delivery Toolkit (an interactive library of methods, techniques and tools for adaptive implementation and evidence-based approaches and change management processes that support adaptive implementation).
2. Develop a vibrant and sustainable Community of Practice on Science of delivery with participation from inside the WBG and outside the WBG, including the Bank's partners on science of delivery.
3. Provide hands-on advice and support to selected operational teams who want to incorporate SoD methods and tools in their operational engagements.
4. Support, in collaboration with communication experts, the effective communication and dissemination of the Science of Delivery.
5. Contribute to the development of knowledge management tools and practices that support the Science of Delivery in the Bank.
The selected candidate will work closely with coordinator(s) for science of delivery, knowledge management, and learning and report to the Manager, OPSKL.
  Selection Criteria:

This position requires a broad range of competencies which are listed below. We encourage applicants who have a good subset of these competencies to apply.
General Economic Knowledge and Analytical Skills - Possesses a demonstrated track record of working with economic and sectoral data and analytical tools and models to conduct economic analyses and produce user-friendly written outputs; understands underlying statistical concepts.
Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Understands policy making process; distills operationally relevant recommendations/lessons for clients.
General Governance and Public Sector Knowledge and Experience - Has demonstrated analytic and operational skills in the area of public sector, and has practical experience working on production of projects and/or studies on areas key to public sector.
Analytical Tools for Social Sustainability - Solid experience conducting social development analyses, producing meaningful results, and applying the tools in the course of an operation.
Developing a Results Framework for Monitoring & Evaluation - Knows and applies lessons from literature and practice on developing and maintaining results-based M&E systems in developing and developed countries.
Operational Project Management - Demonstrates broad knowledge of project management tools & methodologies; identifies key risks and mitigation measures; interprets background analysis and proposed solutions.
Knowledge Strategy, Leadership and Implementation - Has ability to proactively assess business Unit's internal and external client's KM needs, and develop strategies to meet those needs by turning KM ideas into workable solutions which are embedded into core business processes.
Culture Change, Community Building and Collaboration - Is able to actively advocate for and role-model knowledge sharing behavior in the unit.
Knowledge Assessment, Content Management and Evaluation - Demonstrates curiosity and interest in internal and external operations and is able to produce portfolio of relevant high quality and effective knowledge products.
Knowledge Architecture, Technology and Tools - Has knowledge of and ability to use newest available technologies and applications which provide means to create, capture, share and use knowledge effectively.
Team Leadership - Leads teams to achieve objectives, providing the needed direction and structure, and resolving problems of both a technical and interpersonal nature.
Communication and Integrative Skills - Excellent communication skills and demonstrated ability to work with others and develop an integrated view across institutional boundaries.
Client Orientation - Maintains client relationships in the face of conflicting demands or directions and provides evidence-based advice and solutions based on sound diagnosis and knowledge.
Drive for Results - Identifies the needed resources to accomplish results involving multiple stakeholders and finds solutions to obstacles affecting key deliverables.
Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Shows leadership in ensuring the team stays organized and focused, and actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches.
Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Leads in the sharing of best practice, trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and compelling way across audiences of varied levels.
Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Gathers inputs, assesses risk, considers impact and articulates benefits of decisions for internal and external stakeholders over the long term.
Other criteria
Master's degree and a minimum of 5 years relevant experience in the field of development including some experience in research and possibly some experience in knowledge management.


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