Location: Jakarta 
Deadline: Tuesday, 15 October 2013 

As mandated by the IAI Task Force, efforts are underway to establish an effective and well-
functioning mechanism to measure outcomes, identify issues and gaps in the implementationof the IAI Work Plan II. Information-sharing and awareness-raising on the importance of theIAI are also being enhanced.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Technical Assistant will support the dissemination of IAI and NDG-related informationthrough the management of information (knowledge management).Main Responsibilities include assisting in,
i) the development of new features for the IAIproject database such as providing multiple access to different users and creating user-friendly input and query systems;
ii) maintaining the contents of the IAI project database andprovide support for its application; and
iii) gathering statistical data and information for thepreparation of reports and public dissemination.
Other related supporting tasks include undertaking survey initiatives; designing datacollection tools and reviews, analysing and interpreting the responses; and designing onlineand printed materials on IAI and NDG for events and general information dissemination.
The duties will cover, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Project Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Assist in developing IT features for the existing internal IAI& NDG Project database andsupport the maintenance of the IAI&NDG Progress monitoring system;
  • Assist in collating the required information on projects and activities from variousstakeholders;
  • Support in reviewing, transmitting, and monitoring the status of project proposalsunder IAI that undergo the ASEAN project process by coordinating with all relevantstakeholders.
2. Outreach Activities
  • Support the production and dissemination of appropriate informational materials onIAI Work Plan and promoting the programme's visibility;
  • Support the work with the Dialogue and Development Partners to align relatedpriorities and activities with the priorities and developments in ASEAN and ASEC together with the Division;
  • Support organization of events to promote activities under the IAI Work Plan by assisting Technical Officer (TO) in preparing the first draft for background documents,drafting and forwarding invitation letters, maintaining a database/mailing listappropriate for each activity, and performing some logistical coordination work.
3. Project Management
  • Support project proponents in developing and implementing projects by assistingthem(through meetings and emails) in preparing and carrying out the administrative and technical details of the project;
  • Support the Division in the task of working with the various project proponents andASEC colleagues to ensure effective and timely implementation of projects by making necessary follow ups and coordination;
  • Support the monitoring and compiling of information on the overall progress of the IAI
  • Work Plan implementation and the achievement of results;
  • Research and compile the information necessary to prepare background/assessment documents to inform and facilitate donor coordination initiatives.
4. Strategic Planning
  • Support coordination with IAI stakeholders to collate information necessary toprepare DPs and EPs annual IAI work plans;
  • Compile a matrix of all Dialogue and Development Partners national, sub-regional andregional activities related to the IAI Work Plan;
  • Support coordination of activities and work plans of relevant ASEC directorates and divisions together with the Senior Officer (SO) and Technical Officer (TO), under thesupervision of the Head of Division.
5. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the direct supervisors.
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Management or its equivalent with atleast three (3) years relevant working experience.
  • Demonstrated knowledge in information systems management and knowledgemanagement systems, and some experience with web development and contentmanagement, and graphics design.
  • Well-adept in SQL in Microsoft Access and/or MySQL.
  • Sufficient knowledge of design software/s, such as Adobe Photoshop.
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and organise tasks and work flows, with proven ability foraccuracy under pressure and adherence to deadlines.
  • Demonstrated sound oral and written communication skills and sound interpersonal skills,including experience in cross-cultural environment and international settings.
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships withstakeholders.
  • Demonstrated commitment to collaborative work practices.
  • Proven skills in problem solving in a complex organisational environment and in workplanning.
  • Ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, perform tasks outside the usual jobscope, and willingness to travel frequently on short notice.
  • Good command of English, written and spoken.
Qualifications and Experience:
Successful candidate will be offered the post with a probation period of six months andmonthly salary starting from IDR 3,500,000. There are other applicable benefits whichinclude monthly transportation allowance, outpatient medical reimbursement, hospitalizationinsurance, and an annual bonus of a month's basic salary. Upon completion of theprobationary period, the candidate will be confirmed on an initial up to three-year contract,inclusive of the six-month probationary period.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Send your application to, highlighting your suitability and potentialcontribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sizedphotograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained, and completedEmployment Application Form, which can be downloaded at
How to apply:
Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for Technical Assistant IAI & NDG.Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 15 October 2013.The Selection Committee's decision is final and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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