Location :
Kigali Rwanda
Application Deadline :
Additional Category
Democratic Governance
Type of Contract :
FTA International
Post Level :
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :
364 days
As one of the 8 pilot countries for the Delivering as One initiative, the UN in Rwanda aims at improving coherence, harmonization, efficiency, alignment, and effectiveness of the UN System’s operations. To reinforce the Delivering as One process, the Government of Rwanda and the UN agreed to develop a unified UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP 2013 - 2018) that is fully aligned to the Government’s priorities in its Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS-II).
In line with the on-going national priorities as well as the lessons learnt from the preceding programming cycle (UNDAF 2008 - 2012), the UNDAP is comprised of three focus areas through which the UN will contribute to the national development agenda:
  • Inclusive Economic Transformation;
  • Accountable Governance; and
  • Human Development/Foundational Issues.
Policy development, knowledge management and capacity development will be the key components of the UN’s contribution to the various outcomes and outputs under each of these focus areas of the national development agenda. UNDP is the lead Agency in the UN for Accountable Governance area. As part of the UN support to this area, UNDP developed a 5-year flagship programme, dubbed “Deepening Democracy and Promoting Citizen Participation and Accountable Governance/IPG II”) which includes a media sector reform component.
The media sector in Rwanda has gone through a number of reforms culminating into the review and eventual promulgation of the Law Regulating Media (No/ 02/2012), the Law determining the new responsibilities, organization, and functioning of the Media High Council (MHC), the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency Law that transforms the former state broadcaster into a public broadcaster, and the Law Relating to Access to Information (No/04/2013). Their implementation is bound to change the current state of the media and as such UNDP recognizes the need to support the implementation of these laws.
With these reforms, the Government of Rwanda removed the responsibility of media regulation from the Media High Council, a statutory body and delegated them to the media practitioners themselves. Under the new law, media will self-regulate over content and interaction with the public and therefore the need to strengthen its capacity in order to ensure readiness for this new responsibility. In other words the self-regulation framework to be supported for implementation.
UNDP strongly supports the development of an independent and professional media as an integral part of its democratic governance mandate. To enhance better coordination among media organizations and to provide a framework for self-regulation in Rwanda, the Self-regulation Committee, the Association of Rwandan Journalists and UNDP have a partnership through the Rwanda Governance Board. This is done in the context of the Deepening Democracy and Promoting Citizen Participation and Accountable Governance/IPG II Programme. The programme emphasises national implementation and a programme management structure designed to increase ownership of the project output. One of the concrete outputs that the IPG 2 seeks to achieve is related to strengthening existing mechanisms for media development and media freedom. 
It is in this regard that the One UN Rwanda through UNDP Country Office seeks to continue supporting media sector reform in relation to media self-regulation.

Under the direct supervision of the UNDP Country Director, the Media Advisor/Mentor will support the development of the media sector and media freedom in Rwanda, and play a key role in achieving the desired output of the IPG 2. S/he will support the relevant organisations and bodies involved in the process, and will work in close collaboration with consultants hired to establish guidelines for a functioning self-regulatory body. The media stakeholders include but are not limited to: the Association of Rwandan Journalists, Association of Media Owners, Rwanda Governance Board, the Media High Council and all other media shareholders, both private and public.
S/he will be embedded within the Media Commission working directly to support the establishment of a self-regulatory mechanism in Rwanda. The Mentor/Advisor will assist the responsible parties in fulfilling their roles, guiding and mentoring Rwandan Media professionals in the establishment of the self-regulatory media body, with emphasis to national ownership and sustainability of the process.
The Media Advisor/Mentor is recruited based on a South-South cooperation framework, which seeks to enhance collaboration among countries of the South, in a political, economic, social, cultural, environmental and technical context. This allows developing countries to share knowledge, skills, expertise and resources to meet their development goals through concerted efforts, in this case in relation to the democratic development of the media sector. The Media Advisor further promotes a client -oriented approach that complies with UNDP rules and regulations.
Duties and Responsibilities
 The Media Mentor shall fully support the process of self-regulation and act as an advisor during its planning and implementation phase with the aim of promoting responsible, quality and professional media in Rwanda.
The key related functions include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Provide strategic advice on the functioning of the Media self-regulatory body;
  • Provide technical support to the Media Self- Regulatory’s Board and  Secretariat in their respective activities  in close collaboration with other relevant stakeholders;
  • Provide technical assistance to develop the capacities of the Media Self-Regulatory Commission; 
  • Assess capacity needs for the established Media Self-Regulatory Commission, including systems and equipment for systematic monitoring of broadcast and print publications and training for those delegated to review and adjudicate complaints and other reported abuses.
  • Propose/define an effective working relationship between the relevant state regulatory body (RURA) and the new Media Self-Regulatory Commission,’ which will be responsible for monitoring the news media and hearing and adjudicating complaints about ethical abuses and other contraventions of the proposed Code of Conduct.Organise regular meetings between responsible parties to evaluate the implementation process and start-up phase;
  • Develop communication tools for the general media and public on the process of media self-regulation;
  • Ensure the involvement of all media practitioners and houses in the self-regulation process;
  • Hold consultative and informative seminars and/dialogues with journalists, media owners and other stakeholders;
  • Promote an understanding in the media of the balance between rights, obligations, and responsibilities in self-regulation;
  • Provide technical advice on the formulation and adoption of the Journalists’ Code of Conduct as the cornerstone of the self-regulatory body;
  • Collaborate with media self -regulation stakeholders in ensuring the Journalists’ Code of Conduct is revised and promoted regularly among journalists and all relevant stakeholders;
  • Monitor and evaluate the media self-regulation process on a regular basis;
  • Act as liaison between Development Partners and the media fraternity;
  • Develop a Media Self Regulation Strategic Plan and M&E Framework;
  • Develop internal rules and regulations for the Media Self Regulation Commission.
The Advisor/Mentor shall focus significant attention to the elaboration of the implementation plan for media self-regulation, with special attention to the establishment and proper functioning of an all-inclusive Secretariat and Board to ensure a sustainable and self-reliant mechanism.
S/he will support the implementation of the journalists’ Code of Conduct as a first step towards effective media self-regulation and support the setting up of the body to supervise and sanction failure to abide by the code. The mentor will be expected to work with all media outlets, journalists, media owners and stakeholders to promote a responsible and professional press through dialogue. S/he will promote the sharing of best practices in media self-regulation while promoting international legal standards for media regulations.
At the end of the contract, the self-regulatory mechanism and responsible body should be fully established and running. The Media Self -Regulation staff should have acquired the appropriate skills and capacity for it to continue operating in a sustainable and self-sufficient manner.
The Mentor will therefore be accountable for the following indicators:
  • An effective Media Self-regulatory Commission established with relevant functional organs;
  • Self-regulatory mechanisms established, with clear and applicable internal rules and regulations for the Commission formulated and adopted by the media fraternity;
  • Self-regulation process sustainable and self-sufficient.
The results of the work of the Media Self- Regulation Advisor greatly impacts on the support of UNDP towards media sector development and professionalism. The key results impact on the overall CO efficiency in programme and success in implementation of programme strategies. Accurate analysis and presentation of information enhances UNDP position as a strong development partner. The information provided facilitates decision making of the management
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge Management and Organization
  • Shares knowledge, experience and best practices;
  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for a variety of audiences advocating for UN’s priorities;
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills;
  • Good organisational and planning skills: Proven ability to plan in a strategic direction;
  • Conflict Management / Negotiating and Resolving Disagreements: leveraging conflict and setting standards;
  • Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making: Fair and transparent decision-making; calculated risk-taking;
  • Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in primary discipline, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself personally.
Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching
  • Developing and Empowering People: Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Improving Knowledge Sharing / Continuous Learning: Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Focuses on results for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Client Orientation
  • Anticipates constraints in the delivery of services and identifies solutions or alternatives;
  • Proactively identifies, develops and discusses solutions for internal and external clients, and persuades management to undertake decisions;
  • Advises and develops strategic and operational solutions with clients that add value to UNDP programmes and operations.
Interpersonal and team-related skills
  • Ability to work in teams: Proven record of building and managing teams and creating an enabling and collaborative work environment, including the ability to effectively lead, supervise, mentor, develop and evaluate staff;
  • Mature judgment combined with a proactive, energetic approach to problem solving; excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Communicating Information and Ideas: Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication.
  • Ability to interact and negotiate with high-level government officials;
  • Ability to work under continuous pressure and meet deadlines;
  • Energetic and optimistic approach to all problems that may occur.
Core Competencies:
  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
  • Creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking.
Required Skills and Experience
  • Advanced University Degree in: Journalism, Communication and Media Studies, Political Sciences and Social Sciences, Business Administration or equivalent.
  • 7 years of experience related to self-regulatory processes of the Media in a developing country context is required;
  • A minimum of seven (7) years’ international/regional experience in the media sector;
  • Experience with media self-regulation in the African context an asset;
  • Experience with mentoring and/or coaching;
  • Proven experience with management at a high level.
Language requirement:
  • Fluency in English;
  • Working knowledge of French is an added advantage.
Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders).
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


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