Location :
Cairo, EGYPT
Application Deadline :
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Post Level :
International Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :
3 months
Expected Duration of Assignment :
40 working days
The proposed UNDP-GEF project is to protect human- and environmental health by reducing releases of POPs and other hazardous releases (e.g. mercury, lead, etc.) resulting from the unsound management of waste, in particular the incineration and open burning of hazardous Health Care Waste (HCW) and Electronic Waste (E-Waste) by demonstrating and promoting Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) to soundly manage and dispose of such wastes.
As part of the activities to finalize the required documentation for final GEF CEO endorsement, the project preparatory phase (PPG) activities will focus on each of the project components, as well as on important inter-linkages between the different components. The regulatory environment in Egypt has been changing rapidly in recent years, a trend that is expected to continue.
The project document preparation activities will focus on refining project objectives, outcomes, and outputs as well as the work plan and budget for the project components.  The preparatory phase will also work on improving baseline scenario mapping, cost-effectiveness and the global benefits of the project, secure co-financing resources for each of the project components and finalize the project's scoping and definition.
The outcomes under the proposed project have been grouped under four main components:
  • HCWM: Reduction of UPOPs emissions through capacity building, introduction and demonstration of BEP and BAT and strengthening of the legislative and policy framework Policy, institutional and regulatory framework;
  • HCWM: Reduction of Mercury emissions through capacity building, demonstration and introduction of mercury-free medical instruments and strengthening of the legislative/policy frameworks (in combination with component 1);
  • E-Waste: Reduction of emissions of UPOPs, and POPs through capacity building, introduction and demonstration of BEP and BAT (refurbishment and end-of-life) and strengthening of the legislative and policy framework;
  • Waste: Reduction of emissions of other hazardous substances (mercury, lead, cadmium, etc…) through capacity building, introduction and demonstration of BEP and BAT (in combination with Component 3’s investments for the Refurbishment and end-of-life management) and strengthening of the legislative and policy framework.
The project will be implemented by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Communication and Information Technology(MCIT).
Objectives of the consultancy:

In cooperation with the other project development consultants, the GEF Project Formulation Consultant will provide overall guidance to the process of FSP preparation, inclusive identification of potential sources of co-finance, finalize the project intervention strategy, ensure that the prepared document is in line with current requirements of the UNDP (inclusive of DPS costs) and GEF Secretariat, and is responsive to GEF STAP and GEF Council comments and recommendations, if any, and overall guidance from the GEF Secretariat provided during PIF/PPG approval process.

The Project Development Consultant will be supported by one or two National Consultants to provide needed background information and data from Egypt to facilitate the work of the International Consultant.
Completed deliverables will include: a GEF CEO Endorsement Request, a UNDP Project Document, and UNDP Environment & Social Safeguards’s review.
Duties and Responsibilities
Scope of Work:
The GEF Project Formulation International Consultant is expected to coordinate the inputs of the inputs from International and National Consultants providing surveys and background studies on HMW and E-Waste in Egypt that will form the basis of the GEF-UNDP project document. The Project Formulation Consultant is expected to support preparation of the TOR and provide guidance for national and international consultants working, as per the GEF PIF and PPG documents which include the following:
  • Assessment and analysis of the current baseline situation related to POPs and hazardous chemicals releases from E-waste and HCW processing;
  • Assessment of E-waste and HCW processors (targeted products, number, location, number of employees and gender segregation, amount of e-waste processed annually, current processing practices, import routes of obsolete electronic goods, for E-Waste both in formal and informal sectors);
  • Data collection and analysis on current u-POPs and mercury emission baseline in the healthcare waste management and e-waste sectors;
  • Review of the current institutional structure and capacities for chemicals management in different economic sectors (industry, agriculture, communications, transport, health);
  • Review of the existing policy and legal framework and institutional capacity and analysis of gaps, barriers, needs at state and local level authorities and areas for better control over E-waste and HCW management and identify recommendations for management improvements;
  • Assessment among E-waste and HCW processors to determine practices and technologies in use as well as identification of BEP and BAT and safety practices that could be introduced in Egypt and included in the FSP.
  • Identify possible economic, financial and market instruments to be considered in the FSP to improve HCW and E-Waste management;
  •  Socio economic assessment of E-waste and HCW processors to identify technologies in use as well as assess opportunities to introduce BEP and BAT and safety practices to formulate interventions as part of the proposed project;
  • Identify project stakeholders to establish partnership for effective FSP implementation and leveraging co-finance resources;
  • Provide quality guidance and technical advices to UNDP CO and national PPG team to design PPG overall work related to the formulation of  the different project components;
  • Preparation of the TOR for national consultants (NCs) for the PPG to ensure obtaining needed background information and data;
  • Updated and detailed baseline analysis, project log-frame (including facilitation of the log-frame workshop), and risks management table; 
  • Prepare detailed project budget, implementation and financing arrangements.
The main product of the consultant is expected to be the UNDP Project and GEF CEO Endorsement Request, a UNDP Project Document, and UNDP Environment & Social Safeguards’s review which are to include, but not limited to, the following:
  • A regular expert support during FSP formulation on HCWM and E-waste management and governance issues and required technical guidance for local team on current Stockholm and Basel convention requirements on BAT/BEP;
  • An updated situation and baseline analysis;
  • Completed stakeholder analysis and stakeholder involvement plan; 
  • Finalized project intervention and financing strategy and log-frame for each project; component with measurable indicators together with their baseline and target values;
  • An incremental cost analysis, including a description and detailed calculation of the project’s direct and indirect national and global environmental benefits in accordance with the methodology adopted by the GEF;
  • Finalized project budget and work plan both in the ATLAS format and as a total budget with confirmed co-financing;
  • Completed risk assessment and risk mitigation strategy, including an assessment of the environmental, social, economic and financial sustainability of proposed project activities;
  • Completed project management and implementation plan, including coordination with other relevant projects including among others, Swiss Development Agency;
  • Completed project monitoring and evaluation plan;
  • Completed Terms of References for the key project positions
Implementation Arrangements:
The Project Formulation Consultant will work very closely with, and provide guidance to, the international and national consultants on the exact information needed for the project development purposes. The Project Formulation Consultant will assume overall responsibility for the timely completion of deliverables by the team of consultants.
The consultancy will be for 40 working days over a period of three months as per the following time breakdown assessment:
  • Desk Review: 4 working days;
  • In Country Mission: 8 working days;
  • Supervision and guidance of national and international consultants and review of deliverables: 10 working days
    Writing UNDP Project Document, GEF CEO Endorsement Request, GEF Tracking Tool and UNDP Environment & Social Safeguards review: 12 working days;
  • Finalization of the evaluation report (incorporating comments received on first draft): 4 working days;
  • Respond to comments from GEF Secretariat, STAP and GEF Council: 2 working days.
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
Functional Competencies:
  • Conceptual thinking and analytical skills;
  • Knowledge of UNDP's results based evaluation policies and procedures;
  • Strong writing and analytical skills coupled with experience in monitoring and evaluation techniques, results-based in particular;
  • Computer literacy.
Required Skills and Experience
Education Requirements:
  • University advanced degree (at least Masters Level) in chemistry or science related discipline.
Work Experience:
  • At least ten years of work experience in the areas of solid waste management planning and implementation, chemical waste management, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) control;
  • Familiar with the Stockholm and Basel Multi-lateral Environmental Conventions;
  • Substantial, relevant and practical working experience in developing countries in the design and implementation of renewable energy systems, and in particular solar energy;
  • Previous work experience in Middle East and North African region is an asset;
  • Proven work experience on the development of GEF Climate Change projects.
Language Requirements:
  • Excellent English communication skills.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


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